Sync displays a static webp, perhaps Sync doesn't support animated webp yet?
Hog can be slang for penis.
Irrelevant, and there is a(t least one recent) case where a child rape victim was denied an abortion.
Most likely. Official support is nice though, as with Steam Deck.
Sort by top six hour.
Also feel free to block any communities you don't care to see.
12 Monkeys is very good "WTF Willis"
Nah Fanatical is legit, they've got good sales and bundles now and then, I get alerts about them from IsThereAnyDeal.
I've got like 190K points from my Steam Deck and sales, spending them slowly since I'm picky. :3
BallisticNG is awesome, and so is Redout. FYI Redout and all DLC tracks is part of Fanatical's Build Your Own Play on the Go Bundle right now, get it and two other games for 5 $/£/€:
Yes and it's still awesome.