
joined 1 year ago
[–] KonalaKoala 4 points 4 months ago

Okay, I hope it was a false positive. If that is the case, would I be okay re-uploading the image in question? And if it happens again and I have not received any notification, either in my messages or e-mail, about why its being removed, then I will likely need an admin here to look into it for me.

When something like this happens and its not a false positive and there is any actual reason for it, I would prefer to know why to avoid any legal issues.

[–] KonalaKoala 1 points 4 months ago

I'm using LibreWolf here and I'm not having this issue on my end.

[–] KonalaKoala 0 points 5 months ago

Well, I wasn't sure when I have received a link to this petition, but I ended up posting it here since it appears to have to do with koalas.

[–] KonalaKoala 1 points 6 months ago

For some reason, this got me imagining an ad causing an unnecessary detour the wrong way on a one way road and cause a head-on collision. which is going to get them hit with a class action lawsuit that could send their line graph all the way down into the ground.

[–] KonalaKoala 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Well, for one thing, I would want to find out if there is a way to mount a remote drive service to a drive letter on a Windows machine like Google Drive so that I can have it as a backup option that would keep my stuff privacy, and not scraped by some AI LLM.

[–] KonalaKoala 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (3 children)

You are lucky the cop didn't get out of their car, come to your driver's side window, and point a gun at you yelling, "GET OUT OF THE F***ING CAR NOW! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR RECKLESS VEHICLE REVERSING AND DAMAGE TO POLICE PROPERTY!", while preparing the open the door or smash the window in to pull you out by force and drag you down to the ground to arrest you.

[–] KonalaKoala 7 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I just hope that the next new study doesn't end up being "New Study: At Least 15% of All Lemmy Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion", otherwise I would be wondering WTF is going on, is Lemmy on the way of being enshittified by Corporate Morons?

[–] KonalaKoala 1 points 6 months ago

Some of those errors were about the drive being full.

[–] KonalaKoala 1 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Sorry for not being more specific about what I need, I will explain it here.

With Google Drive, it gets assigned to a drive letter on my computer which is H: here and I'm not sure if any other Drive alternatives do that or not.

Right now, I currently pay $3 USD a month for 300 GBs of Google Drive space and they appear to go up with 5TBs for $25 USD a month and $10TBs for $50 USD a month.

I'm not interested in One Drive as that is Microsoft's Shit.


Hi, I was told to post about this here by the mod, so I have decided to post it here to see what you think.

Anyway, I'm a koala lover who has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and has OCD. Sometime ago, I came across a koala subreddit on Reddit and thought that I could be welcome there among other koala lovers in there.

So, I made a post there and during the time I was writing it, I thought that it wouldn't be against the rules since the subreddit only had two rules, and I was not trying to sell anything nor was I running a fundraiser for something.

The post remained there for days waiting to see if anyone decides to respond and talk to me. I don't know when it was removed by the mods, but I did not see that until early this morning right before I needed to get to bed.

Since I was frustrated at the time and possibly not thinking clearly, plus the fact Reddit doesn't even have an accessible ModLog like Lemmy to find out what the hell was wrong with my koala related post to warrant removal, I made a post in the subreddit trying to get answers and in c/General being unsure as to what to do or where to go.

Right now, it seems that I'm getting disrespectful comments and no messages from anyone wanting to contact me about this, figure out if I need to start a new community on here or on Reddit, and see about figuring out what was wrong and try to get the issue resolved.

Anyway, here is a screenshot I managed to get of my first post in the koala community before it had been removed, by pulling it up via my profile.


I have been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and I have OCD, and I really need to find someone or another community to talk to regarding koalas as I seem to be getting insults and possible slander over a posts I had made here and on Reddit. I'm not gong to risk repeating what the post is or was about unless someone asks and wants to talk to me further about it in DM, since it had gotten removed due to them thinking it was against the community rules of where it was posted.

At the moment, I'm just again feeling frustrated and may not been that clear since I was trying to find an answer, plus I was probably tired at the time and not thinking clearly as well. If anyone wants to talk to me about this, you can let me know and I'm open for DMs as well.


Hi, I don't understand what is going on and I'm not if I'm going to have to create my own community. I had made posts which are related to koalas in communities where they are on-topic and were removed with no reason given to me. I'm now more frustrated that another one got removed from an Australian with no reason given, and I'm wondering if I either need to look for a community not on Lemmy or Reddit, or create one somewhere and try to get people to join it.

Anyway, here is an example of one of the posts of mine that got removed and I don't know what it could be in violation of.

*Greetings, I'm Konala Koala, a new koala lover who has found this little corner after continually searching for any save koalas movements that are going on and perhaps growing. I'm currently feeling sad, a bit depressed, and worried about the deforestation and destruction of eucalyptus forests that happen to be koala habitats. The only things I can think of which might help draw attention on this tragedy is I had discovered there is a prototype for a Care Bear Cousin Koala going on forty years old and has never been produced or released. According to some Australians on this in another community, is she could been named Nurture Heart Koala according to her artwork. The poor thing, if she could get made and seen in Australia, especially Queensland, she could probably make a really good talking point that could lead to nurturing the koala populations back up. Here is a link to the prototype koala cousin plush I'm referring to.

Also, I did notice someone had posted a picture of a koala statue they had seen, possible at a zoo or sanctuary near Brisbane in Australia, that is dressed as what appears to be Sailor Moon. Not only did I find that very cute, but it is something that could lead to possible ideas for a fan fiction based story series about Sailor Koala who defends and saves koalas in Australia. Taken from Sailor Moon lyrics, these could be like her lyrics. "Fighting deforestation evil by moonlight! Winning koala love by daylight! Never running from a real fight, she is the one named Sailor Koala! She will never turn her back on her koala friends, she is always there to defend! She is the one on whom koalas can depend... She is the one named Sailor Koala! With secret koala powers, all so new to her! She is the one named Sailor Koala!"

Anyway, I can see there are two rules which that prohibit selling anything and running a fundraising event, but I'm not doing neither and just talking about some ideas that may be good and don't know if they are going to need explicit moderator approval.*


HI, I had been trying to follow anti-tech discussion on a different account and had recently gotten removed from a second group. This time, they confused me of being a bot and didn't give me the chance to explain that I'm not a bot. The first time I believe its because I had accidentally linked to something leftist in error and didn't realize right away. The reason I have been trying to follow anti-tech and Neo-luddite is because it was making me feel good with all of the preserving nature talk, plus I read the Ted Kaczynski manifesto for starters and have it bookmarked on my laptop. If anyone can try to help me out or knows of another such group to check out, please let me know. I might be forced to create another group with my different account, figure out what to call it, and leave off the vetting for now to get people to join.


This is infuriating that I continue to get this repeats of nine and more possible hack attempts from the same certain IP addresses blocked by Malwarebytes, which I get popups every time it happens. This is a snapshot from my logs after one has happened, and I also save text file logs of it.

From what I can tell, they appeared to be originating from Linode almost every time and when I tried to file complaints with them, they keep claiming it is a security researcher or something and end up doing nothing about it. I'm currently wondering what to do about this as I have a folder of so many save logs of it on my computer.


Greetings, and to begin, I have been diagnosed with Asperger's and also have OCD. Recently, I have been feeling like I need to open a discussion on something that may be going on with me at this time and may need someone to talk to about it. For starters, I have been thinking about setting up a koala community on here that was originally going to focus on koalas and the dangers they are facing, and conservation of their habitat.

But at this time, I feel that I might cause it to include more since I began feeling very concerned as well as anxious about stuff I have been hearing about such Driverless EVs, Quantum Computers, Privacy Evading Stuff, Musk Brain Implants, Dream Reading Tech, etc. that could be related to the hype it has.

And I'm also currently feeling concerned about what I had been hearing about Windows 11 having Adware stuff with it even though I currently have Windows 10 Home on my desktop computer as well as my laptop, and Windows 10 Pro on the other two computers that I use like servers. Many years ago, I used to have Windows XP Home and Windows XP Pro which was my comfort zone for many years, and since I'd been through Windows 7 to Windows 10 now, I had been using software like Open Shell to get my start menu and task bar to be similar to Windows 7 and perhaps Windows XP again.

Another thing that is becoming a worry for me is I'm reading about Microsoft were trying to kill off Paint, but a public outcry had stopped that for now. But it appears that they are getting rid of WordPaw which I have used in the past for notes and writing. It seems to be related to the Qbot malware operation using a DLL hijacking flaw in Windows 10 WordPad to infect computers, though I don't understand why they don't just patch that flaw. At least, I have found LibreOffice to use which is free and OpenSource and finding that I like it.

In that past, I used to be in a program called Flying Colors to work on artwork and stuff even though it was 256 colors, but now I'm kind of stuck in Paint for that stuff and worried if something were to happen to that. And I did find LibreWolf for a browser that I had added a number of extensions to for privacy and stuff, though I'm worried about what Google is doing to try to break that with Adware from Youtube and trying to make it hard to watch videos via Invidious.

It currently has me wondering why don't they just fix and add any new improvements to existing programs and stuff instead of deprecating and obsoleting stuff that will be missed. I just has me feeling there is likely stuff which should just be preserved and kept instead of being tossed out, and I probably can find a bunch of examples which could make you wonder WTH are we walking away from and why.

Now, to move on from technology, I have also been finding ways to try to help me cope, such as finding long sound recordings of forest sounds, heavy rain and thunder, the gentle flow of a stream, the sounds of waves crashing onto a beach, .etc since I find more comfortable being deep in the wilderness. And I also have been focusing more on story writing about kids who go into the forest and end up in a medieval like fantasy world while in the process of escaping from strange and scary tech.

Right now, I feel like could be crossed into a number of communities here like c/technology, c/autism, c/fantasy, c/nostalgia, c/technophobia, etc., but I'm not sure if any of the existing communities would allow this topic to exist in them, so I'm stuck thinking to just have it under general discussion, at least until that I can get the banner and stuff finished to get my idea of a community started here.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by KonalaKoala to c/privacy

WTF is going on now? I was using http://youtu.be to view videos on YouTube for some time now and now I'm seeing the following message.

Can't load the video on this Invidious instance. YouTube is currently trying to block Invidious instances. Click here for more info about the issue.

This is starting to worry me since I had been viewing YouTube videos via Invidious for privacy reasons such as I didn't want to be risking malware in the form of adware that could be linked to certain ads, and any ridiculously long ads if you know what I mean.

Right now, I'm just wanting what my options are now since I want to maintain my right to privacy and don't want to be getting exposed to risks.


I have been giving my previous post a lot of thought and I have decided on and currently planning on creating a koala community on here which I would like to look into having interlinked here somehow, as I'm sure there are some on here who are looking forward to seeing koalas showing up in their Lemmy Feed. In the meantime, I have been bookmarking stuff and working up a list of stuff to begin posting on it.

Right now, I have been thinking it will contain not only topics on koala conservation, but other koala related stuff including pictures of koalas. These are the currently names I have been thinking of calling it and I haven't been able to decide on which one to go with, even though I have been looking at koala clipart and koala fonts to use with the banner of it.

  • c/koalakin
  • c/koalaklub
  • c/koalakonservation
  • c/koalakoncerns
  • c/koalakorner
  • c/koalaklan
  • c/koalapub
  • c/koalatime
  • c/koalawilderness
  • c/koalawoodlands

And this is a name that I have thought of when I was thinking of Koalawalla Land from the Noozles cartoon.

  • c/koalawallawoods

You can let me know which name I should go with and I may look into going with it.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by KonalaKoala to c/support

I have noticed a popup from my Malwarebytes early this morning saying ClimateJustice.Rocks is blocked due to Trojan when I have just gotten up, and that is odd since I found that is a Mastodon instance and I have not been on it at the time. Even though I have attempted to add the domain to my allow list on the possibility it might be a false positive, Malwarebytes was ignoring it and I still continued to get the same popup. So, I had ended up reporting the problem to Malwarebytes to have them investigate it, but I have not heard anything back from them.

Right now, it is making me wonder if this is going to need to be looked into here see whether or not the instance is going to need to be de-federated from mastodon.world on the grounds someone could be making posts containing links to trojan horse sites on it, and there is no admin doing anything about it.


I'm not sure which community on here this would be best fit in without the risk of it being removed by a moderator for some reason, but I started getting the following popup when trying to watch videos on YouTube as of yesterday while becoming a little bit worried my Youtube Account might get blocked permanently from watching any videos over someone's greediness.

Anyway, I'm using Vivaldi Browser which is a Chromium Based Browser and this began happening while I was using Youtube and had AdBlock Plus enabled. So, I had to completely disable it and switch to using uBlock Origin instead since I discovered they do have a weekly thread open in their subreddit. I also ended up having to disable Privacy Badger on Youtube due to it causing the popup to appear and whatever is being blocked by it is probably causing Youtube to think that it is an Adblocker.

Right now, I have the built-in setting in Vivaldi set to blocking only trackers, not ads, and I only have Ghostery and uBlock Origin enabled on Youtube and able to play videos on Youtube without the popup coming up for the time being. And on a worse case scenario, I could choose to turn on Hoxx VPN Proxy and WebRTC Leak Shield while I'm making reports of the issue to the uBlock Origin Team, since I recently added them to have the option of changing my IP to one in another country.

The only other extensions I currently have in Vivaldi are the following.

  • AdBlock Plus (completely disabled at this time)
  • DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials
  • FediAct
  • FicLab
  • Ghostery
  • Google Translate
  • Hoxx VPN Proxy
  • Lemmy Go
  • Link Redirect Trace
  • Nextdoor Pixel Helper
  • Privacy Badger (disabled on Youtube)
  • Privacy Pass
  • Save Image As PNG
  • Session Manager
  • Shareaholic
  • Tab Manager Plus
  • uBlock Origin
  • Video Downloader Unlimited
  • Video Screenshot
  • WebRTC Leak Shield

Anyway, one of the main things I have been using Youtube before is to put on a ten to twelve hour or longer video to listen to either the sound of a rainstorm or rain falling (either light or heavy), the sound of a flowing river, or the sound of waves crashing on shore for relaxation to help me think or help me to fall asleep, and I have already tried to use piped.video for that, but when I pull up any video on it, it just keeps spinning and spinning and doesn't load shit for some reason like this may be fucking it up. Apparently though, I can get the desired videos to play while in invidious, but it tends to stop after a while for some reason and I'm wondering if there is anyone who I can contact that may be able to help me find a solution. I really don't want to do something that would likely open me up to a high risk of getting hit with malware and spammy stuff, or some kind of really long malwaretisement.

Also, I'm currently somewhat worried that my Youtube Account may be at risk of being blocked or suspended over what is going on here, as I currently have a bunch of movie purchases on the account that I don't want to lose.


I'm not sure what is going on, but I keep getting a random Cloudflare Host Error page like this one.

Also, when I try to follow the Lemmy World Pub Discord Server link to join it, it shows like the server exists and then gives me a few popups asking, "Wait, are you a bot?", before it looks like it is going to join me in it. But then it just dumps me back out to the main screen instead. I have looked up and joined another server of interest just to check to make sure there wasn't something that could be wrong with my Discord account, but I was able to join a different server without any issue, so I don't know what is wrong or if I'm somehow blocked from it even though I have not been in it before.


I had seen similar posts like this crop up on Reddit from time to time, but I would rather use Lemmy instead to talk about this. However, I did a search for Facebook on here and have looked through communities while trying to see where this would best fit, but I couldn't figure out where it would go. So, I ended up deciding that I would have to go with General Discussion hoping it is okay here.

Anyway, I recently found my Facebook Account had gotten locked for the second time this month and I don't know why as all it says is that it is locked for suspicious activity. All I had been doing is sharing some petitions an stuff on environment conservation and animal welfare which I had been doing there for a long time. The only e-mail I have gotten both times is the one with the subject stating that someone may have accessed your account, but it doesn't give a specific reason why. Even though I have managed to get my Facebook Account unlocked again, I'm currently at the point of discontinuing sharing anything there for the most part as I have not been having any issues sharing similar stuff to Mastodon and Tribel, and getting my Facebook Account locked more than once without any specific reason giving is very inconvenient.

Right now, I don't use Reddit much anymore, I refuse to use Twitter/X for anything, and I'm already really beginning to not want to use anything Meta for much of anything either at this point. And even though I had heard about an admin of a Mastodon Instance being raided by the FBI, I'm currently feeling that it would be more appropriate if it were Facebook admins being raided by the FBI instead with what has been going on lately with that site.

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