
joined 2 years ago
[–] KombatWombat 2 points 23 hours ago

When people criticise me or my actions, I have at least as much right to defend myself as you do to cast judgement and voice it in the first place. But the magnitude of the condemnation you expressed by your word choice is greatly at odds with what I have done.

I bought a game because I thought its value would be worth the price for me. Having used it, I've found my early assessment was right. You clearly have different expectations for a game to be worth buying, and my purchase makes it less likely that companies will have to cater to you in the future. I understand your frustration, but I have not wronged you or anyone else.

[–] KombatWombat 7 points 2 days ago (5 children)

I bought it the night before it released so I could download it and have it ready to play. At that point, I had played hours of the betas, had seen interviews with the developers, and had read various reviews that were overall very favorable. And just from playing it one day I'm very happy with my purchase.

I understand people disagreeing with it being a worthwhile purchase but calling it "shameful", "disgusting", or "disturbing" is actually really disappointing for me to see. It's just buying a video game when it releases. You can have a complaint about a product without being so judgemental about people who find it valuable enough to buy even with its faults. Let people enjoy things.

[–] KombatWombat 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

They did the same thing with MH World too, and that's one of my favorite games of all time. Capcom shouldn't charge for things like appearance changes, but even so, they create games with huge amounts of value for the price tag. And most of that came from years of free post release added content. A feature-complete game with cosmetic bonuses available as paid dlc is not a problem. Failing to achieve that would be the reason to be concerned over microtransactions. I understand why microtransactions are unpopular, but they can be done well and without them existing, many great games would either not exist or have to be much smaller.

Also, for this specifically, there is a nexus mod that lets you change your appearance for free. There will very likely be a similar workaround with the new game if you have the pc version.

[–] KombatWombat 2 points 2 days ago

During the betas at least, it was mentioned in at least one of the interview/preview videos that you could adjust your character whenever before release but after release it would cost money. Not sure how accessible the information was but it wasn't a total secret.

[–] KombatWombat 1 points 3 days ago

Riot actually has short stories, comics, and a few books on the lore of the world. It doesn't show up in the game beyond voice lines, but some of the broad strokes of the Arcane story had been all but confirmed for years. Legends of Runeterra is also a card game set in the same world that expanded on things by letting champions talk to more minor characters (other cards in that case). And they are working on an mmo that will probably dive into the lore much more.

[–] KombatWombat 3 points 3 days ago

Some cultures that actually have cannibalism refer to human flesh as "long pig" or similar because of the resemblance.

[–] KombatWombat 2 points 5 days ago

OP is not a man, and has yet to post the rock after 2 days. They're playing us for absolute fools.

[–] KombatWombat 0 points 5 days ago

Wait, are you actually Beaver on an alt? Because if so, it is very uncool to secretly ban people just for downvoting vegan comments. And using alts to dodge the consequences of your actions or do vote manipulation sucks too. And also in the future please think about how it reflects on the community when doing things like banning admins, even when they are being a dipshit. At least give a good faith effort to talk it out. Although honestly that led to some nice reform for the instance so I guess I won't hold that against you.

Here's some of the context for anyone else, although it's brief about the initial drama on the vegan cat food thread. https://lemmy.world/post/19731457

[–] KombatWombat 2 points 5 days ago

Off topic but the past tense of killing someone by hanging is "hanged", as in The Hanged Man. It's an important distinction when discussing well-endowed people.

[–] KombatWombat 2 points 5 days ago

The ACA (Obamacare) requires that health insurance companies spend at minimum 80% of their revenue on paying out claims, meaning profit is only what's left over from the remaining 20% after all other operating costs are addressed. They also need to reserve a certain portion of money to be available at hand for claims in case they exceed revenue for a period, similar to a bank. So unfortunately even a nonprofit health insurance organization is going to have high costs to its members simply because medical expenses are so high in America.

[–] KombatWombat 2 points 6 days ago

Conjuration gave you access to a daedric bow with effectively unlimited daedric arrows whenever you wanted. Pretty significant when stealth archery is the natural meta in the game. Plus you can summon things to give you free damage and take aggro. That's useful for any build.

[–] KombatWombat 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

For me, not the case. I absolutely hate coming in to a comments section and all the discussion is relegated to inflammatory comments about OP. Just discuss the content, people. I do not go into news stories to see the users’ personal preferences about how often they see each other.

Yeah, I don't like seeing people be rude to each other either. That doesn't mean such comments should be removed though. As long as it stays civil, I would expect mods to let people say their piece. News communities especially are likely to stir up reactions in people, so mods should be cautious about what's considered rule breaking, lest they be accused of censorship or being partisan.

I’ve said it before: It’s trivial for me to block one inflammatory user. It’s not easy for me to block like thirty people complaining about that one user instead of them just downvoting to oblivion and moving on.

I get that, but I also think a lot of people having the same complaint about one particular user suggests it may be worth paying attention to.

Or make a meta petition thread. Like there’s so many other options that actually keep the utility of the community and its discussions intact.

I agree that a meta post is a good idea for something like this. Normally reporting should be enough, but this is something difficult to describe in individual reports and should be shown to the community as a whole, not just mods. But I would still say meta discussion about a community's content seems fair game for a comment section under a post that serves as an example of your complaint. Comment threads are conversations, and this is the sort of thing that will come up naturally.

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