In order to form a more perfect union typically we don't go back to archaic ways of governance, nor do we seek to limit our rights.
Rivian is still a better pic smh my head
Like when someone farts in a conservative household, for all you conservative readers
Like those in-game cosmetics that cost real money but represented by a type of in-game currency that can't be earned by playing the game, instead playing your wallet.
Yeah, that's just enough to be a super-majority
I kinda prefer Vivaldi for testing chromium-based browsers. I guess MS Edge would be a similar experience too nowadays
I hope we can sue the shit out of him like when he denied Sandy Hook
Why can't he pander to his children then?
Tell them you don't know so they can waste their time in exposition monologues.
We don't all believe it's fake, it's just fun to call his stuff fake news in a roundabout way.
Israel dumb woo!
More like my classmates on a group assignment that they didn't do any work on until it's presentstion time.