NVK Merge Request Opened For Landing Open-Source NVIDIA Vulkan Driver In Mesa (Phoronix)
It's gonna sound stupid, but I'm hoping for a 3DO core and a Philips CD-i core.
I won't mention Atari Jaguar because Jotego will eventually tackle down that beast in the future.
In a way, I think it's also best if the community would work this driver out, because if Nvidia steps in and gets involved in this project, chances are that they might update their Linux kernel driver to become incompatible with Nouveau/NVK.
And people are still going. More news at 11.
¿Por qué no los dos, mi hermano (o hermana)?
Weird, because I haven't seen anything like that afaik.
Shame that Sony can't do anything with the IP, otherwise they would've made a Pikmin clone. Or a game similar to Patapon.
Toilet paper is better, right?