
joined 2 years ago
[–] Jeanschyso 1 points 2 weeks ago

I wanted to go to my first Combo Breaker in Chicago but that's not happening.

[–] Jeanschyso 11 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Computer is masculine in French, if anyone wanted to know, but then sometimes we call it a machine, which is feminine.

[–] Jeanschyso 4 points 3 weeks ago

Oh look, a person who gets it!

[–] Jeanschyso 5 points 3 weeks ago

I meant 40 km/h using the machine's power. There is a different vibe to someone pushing hard to reach 40 km/h on the kinds of streets that have a 40 limit (corner coming up every half mile, stop signs, lights) and someone that just twists their wrist and accelerate to 40 in a timely manner while sitting tall. Drivers react to the two very differently.

[–] Jeanschyso 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Sooo many videos from on my discord servers are from Twitter. I don't mind Discord at all, it's an alright option if you're careful about following links and mostly sticking to smaller communities.

Twitter is a shitshow though and I am so very tired of seeing links to it.

[–] Jeanschyso 3 points 3 weeks ago

Cleaning. I clean before breakfast when not on a work day. It feels good to clean my filthy place after a week of wake up - work - nap - eat - sleep with the occasional Video Games between the after-work nap and night.

Nothing like doing the dishes to get my day started.

[–] Jeanschyso 5 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I would argue that anything that can't reach 35 km/h belongs in the bike lane, and everything faster belongs on the roads. Once you get past, say, 40, you can keep up with cars well enough for it to not really make sense to be in the bike lane anymore.

[–] Jeanschyso 16 points 1 month ago

I'm gonna have to check on fuckcara and cyberstuck

[–] Jeanschyso 1 points 2 months ago

The book was some good ass "turn your brain off slop". The movie tried its hardest to turn your brain off by force.

That movie was a mistake, but then it made a lot of money and that's all the goal was.

[–] Jeanschyso 2 points 3 months ago

Dude would get merked before he gets to speak in front of any kind of microphone. There is no way in my mind he makes it to a jury trial alive.

[–] Jeanschyso 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Isn't a tzar a Russia thing?

[–] Jeanschyso 1 points 4 months ago

I'm federalist and I'm voting Bloc. That's how you know shit's dire.


Our dear local asshole, Geneviève Guilbault, minister of transportation, has announced that the provincial government would reduce its investment in Montreal's public transit, forcing the metro to close at 23:00 and reducing the frequency of night time busses.

With all the progress that Montreal has had in the last 10 years, it is appaling to me that the provincial government would try to nip it in the bud. We are SO CLOSE to being such a great place! The Plan Vélo is going well, with only one hiccup in one borough. We have the REM, the REV, the metro has a pretty recent batch of new vehicles, we have a robust monthly card system that took years to get moving as well as it is now.

We were doing well, but the party in power lost one seat in an election recently. They are now in "appeal to our voter base" mode. Our government does not get many seats in Montreal. They are further to the right wing than the typical Montréalais, especially around the city center. They show their hand by building new lanes on regional roads that don't need it, and reducing mass transport service in a city that does need it.


I have potentially devastating news.

The provincial government of Québec announced in April that the "third link", a tunnel to cross the river between Québec City and it's suburbs, would either be car-free, or it would not be built. At the time, a lot of people across the province celebrated. Some car brains were unhappy, but that's fine. They're never happy anyway, whatever is done. Studies showed that current traffic did not require a new automobile bridge, and that it would invite traffic that the city couldn't handle.

Yesterday, there were provincial elections in that region, and the party in power lost a seat. They immediately started playing defense and said "maybe we should consult the local population on whether we should make it automotive after all".

We all know where this is going. They'll make that dumbass bridge for cars. The prime Minister can't walk back on his word a third time and still win his elections in 3 years.

I may not live in the region, but I truly believe these people should have access to rapid transit to Quebec. My taxes shouldn't go towards building an automobile bridge to our beautiful city of Québec. I believe strongly that an automotive bridge would create enough induced demand to gridlock Québec City. This is so wrong and I'm sitting here, powerless.

I don't know what I can do. I don't even live there. It just makes me sad that we can make the REM in Montreal, but then put doubt in the Third link in Québec. We can't have nice things.

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