Liberals: "You dont need fiber to the premises, OUR version will be cheaper and quicker."
Narrator: it was not cheaper, or completed earlier and the speeds are worse.
Libs: "also we bought a shitload of fucked copper back off Telstra, who then laughed all the way to the bank"
Sizing has got much worse in recent years, ever since the uprise of 'fast fashion'. Its in companies best (profit) interests to have less sizes that covers other similar sizes. What used to be a XS, S & M may now just be a "S" size, but made with slightly more room in some areas and stretchier fabric to allow for it to fit as a slightly larger size. Why carry 7 sizes when you can carry 3 sizes?
Couple this with clothes & goods being made with lower cost manufacturing techniques and materials so they dont last as long, fit as well or resist as much wear & tear.
Profits, profits, profits.