As a non-american, can somebody please explain the context here and why this is significant?
How must it feel being clever enough to come up with these ideas and then implement them for companies invading everyones privacy for advertisement revenue and malicious information serving or stealing.
I guess they sleep soundly on a fat bank account.
When the fuck did maccas start doing a sandwich?
I did this (using Sync app) about a month ago after seeing the suggestion and my god it has made a good impact on my mental health. You stil get a bit of crap about those dickheads when not directly mentioned in the title but its a big improvement.
Does that tattoo have a tattoo?
Southpark (earlier seasons were more rewatchable)
The office
How i met your mother
Black books
I dont see them as endless reboots i see them as repeated assaination attempts.
This is a good analysis of the shows life cycle where its pretty clear the show was fucked over repeatedly by the networks hosting it and its just refused to die. A case of when fans love something by execs dont.
If a movie is going to end is it worth watching?
Armoured tesla...
Was the cybertruck just a soft prototype of the TeslaTank© ?
Me too, just not the woody end bits.
I call those bits the furry buttholes but i suppose some plant scientist has a proper latin name for them, like kiwifructus-butthollus or something.
Fuckin pull ya head in cunts