I may never get another chance to share this with the world, so may I present to you...
I found a kickass stick 4 years ago in the Smokies the weekend my wife and I got married. It's literally the perfect stick. Straight, smooth, nice thickness, durable as hell. Must be of a rare hardwood variety, I would imagine. I still have that stick in the corner and I see it everyday when I'm sitting at my PC. Have I ever used it for anything? I wouldn't dare. It's too nice of a stick to just use on a whim. Why do I keep it around? Well, if I ever had a problem that required a really nice fuckin stick, I'm covered. Every year or so, my wife says to me, "JPSound, you still have that stick?! Why do you keep that thing around?" I look that woman dead in the eyes and say, "there will come a day, my bride, when the creator of all shall lay before us an obstacle, nay, a challenge that only a mighty stick of such grandeur may aid us in such a lofty trial. And this stick, my dearest, this stick awaits our call to guide us into the sunkissed valley of victory so sweet. Only then shall you see what I see. Know what I know now, that this mear stick, is far more than it seems. Then you will know, I am the mighty protector of this home and family. You will see, my love. You will see." Then she usually just rolls her eyes and says, "whatever... I gotta run to the grocery store. Do you need anything special?" And I respond with a mighty boom, "yeah, that fancy chocolate milk I like, please."
I'd pay for WinRAR before I gave either of those companies my money.
I work in the film business. Im one of the on set tech worker bees and the thing that annoys me most in movies is making them. What a shit industry. In the past +5 years of so, it has really gone down Hill. I'm an IATSE member and year after year these big studios have taken everything from us, refused to give reasonable raises, even if only to keep up with inflation, and the daily production demands get bigger and bigger, putting so much pressure on the crews. On top of all that, they brag about setting record profits every year while pretending to be shooting a huge film on a shoestring budget. I hate it and I've been trying to get into another industry but it's so hard. It's hard for me to enjoy movies anymore because I'm so resentful. I work on the big big stuff too so it's not like I'm getting screwed over my little indie shit stain prod cos. These are the jobs people dream of and it's not what you think it is and everyone hates it once they get here. It's not the work itself though, it's those you work for. Ignorant peanut counters and the precious shareholders ruin everything.
I use the Cinco Face Time Party Snoozer. I can be outgoing and social while catching up on some much needed ZzZz's.
Tool has been my favorite band for ~25 years now. I've been a fan through nearly their entire history and if there's one thing that's been a consistent element of the band, it's that MJK is a fucking prick. No two ways about it. He's a little shit with a HUGE ego and he's just not a pleasant human. Creative as hell and damn good at what he does but a massive massive dick head. He's not the reason I like Tool though and I wouldn't even call myself an MJK fan, I dislike him in a lot of ways but when it comes to him, Danny, Adam and Justin laying down some badass fuckin jams, no one does it for me like Tool. Danny and Adam especially. They are the core of Tool for me and I think MJK gets waaaaay too much credit for the band.
Cat nip. It sounds like they want treats and a puzzle just happens to be in between them and sweet sustenance. We have 3 cats and when they get to begging, my god, I'm out numbered and out matched. Our girl is on a diet so snacks are a no-go for now but a little bit of fresh nip and POOF! Now I have distracted cats for a good half hour. Play time has officially begun.
I cant wait to join this group after I'm finished with the campaign. It's been hard to find time to finish it and not being able to watch any videos or read literally anything about the game is driving me crazy at this point. I haven't had this much enjoyment playing a game in a long time. What a masterpiece it's been.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful girl with us. I hope peace comes to you knowing she had an amazing life for such a classy lady. Hugs.