The plan is stop supporting Ukraine and support Russia. You know this Zelenskyy..
Who gives a fuck what the religious twats think
The house of Orléans still exist, they’re just not allowed to rule lol
It does get cold at night in Texas and the last couple years they’ve had severe power issues due to being cold and snowing while their grid isn’t prepared for it. Do you not remember all the posts about freezing Texans because the power was out for a week+ a few years ago
I don’t care what the zoomers like or don’t like. Fuck them kids
He’s about 45 seconds with an electric razor away from being a Hitler cosplay in this picture
They’re both the same Chinese shit, one just has a more Asian sounding name
Gasp, maybe team LH will finally find out the truth about Abu Dhabi ‘21 with this!
And off a mediocre game at that
The kind with guillotines and torches. That kind of protest turns a tyrant controlled kingdom into a democratic republic, there’s no protest more powerful
Hopefully he can repeat the great drive he had in the Ferrari in the Good for him
And it’s disgusting in every single one of those. I hate mint