I had to mow last Saturday. Hopefully only once this month.
C'mon, RTFM, Legs do not attach to the head.
It looks like the ass end got smacked pretty hard. You sure me and 5 of my buddies can fit in there all at once?
Ring of fire by Johnny Cash.
I mean I sure had no idea the depth and reach of the secret gay cabal. They're everywhere and nowhere.
Must be a well organized group, do they have open sign-ups or something?
Good golly, someone make some chocolate chip cookies, we're going to have to go and welcome them to the neighborhood. Damn rude no one said anything sooner.
One makes you "fuck face", the other makes you stegodickonbackasaurus. I know my vote.
Nope. Not on fire or rusting.
Only 2 things I can come up with now is dns not updating on the router, or check and see if something added or edited the host files and that's referencing the old network.
it's always dns
It's a BMW so we know none were blinking.