Oh, I completely understand! When I adopted my dogs, their names were Barney and Yam… now they are Sunny and Pippin :)
joined 2 years ago
Such a cute name!
It’s perfect! I love it!
I played it when it first came out and it was a lot of fun! Highly recommend!
Wefwef on iOS. I only wish I could block communities from it. Otherwise, it’s great and I love it!
This also looks like the spot in The Big Lebowski where Walter and The Dude spread Donny’s ashes… poor guy
I had a Cavalier that did the same thing! So cute!
Sweet boy!
Sick collection! That’s awesome!
What a great find! It’s gorgeous!
I’ve got several thousand hours in this game and have only completed the main campaign once, but I never got the Ebony Warrior to spawn so it’s the one thing I’ve never done in Skyrim.
I also just get lost in all of the fun and freedom with Inigo, Serana, RP, mods etc. I never get tired of this game.