
joined 1 year ago
Emulating a smartphone? (self.dumbphones)

I'd like to get a dumbphone and stop using smartphones, but i'm forced to rely on the latter for work and finances and various things that really shouldn't be limited to just existing in mobile apps but are. How practical would it be to use a simple dumbphone (i'm currently looking at a Light Phone II) for calls and do everything else in an Android or /e/OS emulator on my Linux computer? Has anyone else tried this before?

[–] IndigoGollum 1 points 1 week ago

Cartography. A few days ago i bought one of those empty Christmas tree baubles to draw a world on in dry erase marker. I didn't have any maps of my world at that point, so i'm working forward from a globe to flat maps, instead of the other way round. I'm pretty close to being ready to make my first flat paper map.


Why does fresh rosemary taste dry? I don't mean it tastes like dried rosemary, but i don't know how else to describe how it makes my tongue feel. Why is it like that?

[–] IndigoGollum 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm currently working on that second option, since it seems easier than trying to trace shapes on a paper cylinder around my globe. Thanks.

[–] IndigoGollum 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Is there any difference between pressing Super then Shift, and pressing Shift then Super? Maybe the Super key is something else on your shift layer.

[–] IndigoGollum 2 points 2 weeks ago

I think the most unusual things in Bantalu are the phoneme i've written as /Ⓒ͜ˡ/ (only terminal, usually something like [d̚ˡ]); and the particle /no/ that separates the object and subject in a VOS sentence.

[–] IndigoGollum 2 points 2 weeks ago

I'm not currently learning any conlangs, but a few years ago i learned some Ta'agra. I got into that through the Elder Scrolls, and even translated a short book from English into it. It's been a while but last i checked it did have a small community that did actually use the language to discuss things besides said language.

[–] IndigoGollum 1 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Is it possible that Shift and Super are swapped in Neo? I think that would cause this. Is it both Shift keys or just one?

In the picture you posted, it seems you set the keyboard shortcut in the settings for QWERTZ. Maybe that needs to be set for Neo as well?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by IndigoGollum to c/[email protected]

I have a clear globe that i would like to project to a flat map. Any common projection should work, since computer programs exist for converting map projections. Where should i start?

A couple of details: First, my "globe" is an empty plastic Christmas tree ornament, so it can be hung from a string at one end but it doesn't have a stand like a normal globe does.

Second, this is a worldbuilding thing. My globe does not represent any real planet or similar body, which is why i need to make a new map from the globe instead of finding an existing one.

EDIT: To be clear, i know about projections already. I'm not worried about picking a projection. What i'm asking about is the process is for taking a physical globe and projecting that globe's surface onto a flat rectangle. I don't know how to turn an imaginary cylinder or cone sitting on my globe into a tangible physical or digital map. I don't have the means to cut up and unfold my globe until it's flat. What is the actual process for making a map from a globe, for any projection? I know this isn't how maps are traditionally made, but surely there must be a good way to do this.

[–] IndigoGollum 1 points 3 weeks ago

I wouldn't mind a single simple character for "the", like what we have with the ampersand. I guess we do have "þᵉ".


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I'm thinking about conlangs for creatures with different phonetic possibilities than humans, particularly birds with both syrinx and larynx. Does anything like the IPA already exist for these sounds?


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I'm thinking about conlangs for creatures with different phonetic possibilities than humans, particularly birds with both syrinx and larynx. Does anything like the IPA already exist for these sounds?


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I'm thinking about conlangs for creatures with different phonetic possibilities than humans, particularly birds with both syrinx and larynx. Does anything like the IPA already exist for these sounds?


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I'm thinking about conlangs for creatures with different phonetic possibilities than humans, particularly birds with both syrinx and larynx. Does anything like the IPA already exist for these sounds?


I'm thinking about conlangs for creatures with different phonetic possibilities than humans, particularly birds with both syrinx and larynx. Does anything like the IPA already exist for these sounds?


I'm tired of mosquitos biting me. If i can't stop them biting me, the next best thing is to stop them biting me a second time. So what's the best (safe for me) way to make myself poisonous to mosquitos, and optionally other bugs that might bite me?

[–] IndigoGollum 2 points 9 months ago

mmmɁmhmm͡m mm hmmmh mɁm mmm?


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Here's my idea of what a completely hummed language could look like, refined from my post on c/neography a couple weeks ago (here). It only uses 4 or so different sounds, /Ɂ/, /h/, /m/, /ɴ/, /m̰/, & /ɴ̰/, all but two of which can have any combination of 5 pitches to make an arbitrary number of tones.

I won't go into much detail on how exactly the writing system works since it's mostly unchanged from my first post about it. Tones are made by stacking pitches from top to bottom, alternating between the left and right sides. The bottommost pitch is always on the left. Words are read from top to bottom and left to right. A diagonal line can be added above the horizontal bar tones connect to to show that a tone uses /ɴ/ instead of /m/. A bare vertical line lengthens the last pitch of the previous tone and an arch connecting two tones marks something between an affricate and a diphthong, as opposed to having a slight pause (but not a glottal stop) between tones.I don't have a romanization system, i've just been using IPA with Chao numerals and an affricate marker for connected sounds.

I probably won't ever make a full conlang out of this, but other people are welcome to expand on what i've done here. All the examples i gave in the attached picture are just sounds to show off the writing system and don't mean anything.


Here's my idea of what a completely hummed language could look like, refined from my post on c/neography a couple weeks ago (here). It only uses 4 or so different sounds, /Ɂ/, /h/, /m/, /ɴ/, /m̰/, & /ɴ̰/, all but two of which can have any combination of 5 pitches to make an arbitrary number of tones.

I won't go into much detail on how exactly the writing system works since it's mostly unchanged from my first post about it. Tones are made by stacking pitches from top to bottom, alternating between the left and right sides. The bottommost pitch is always on the left. Words are read from top to bottom and left to right. A diagonal line can be added above the horizontal bar tones connect to to show that a tone uses /ɴ/ instead of /m/. A bare vertical line lengthens the last pitch of the previous tone and an arch connecting two tones marks something between an affricate and a diphthong, as opposed to having a slight pause (but not a glottal stop) between tones.I don't have a romanization system, i've just been using IPA with Chao numerals and an affricate marker for connected sounds.

I probably won't ever make a full conlang out of this, but other people are welcome to expand on what i've done here. All the examples i gave in the attached picture are just sounds to show off the writing system and don't mean anything.


I really like this writing system (first posted here) but i didn't feel like making a full language out of just humming. I'm satisfied to know that it's (theoretically) possible so i've adapted my script to include some different sounds. The spoken language has a long way to go before it's usable but this writing system is already pretty much done, unless i decide to change some letters or add more characters to fit between words.

Now vowel characters alternate being on the left and the right, with the bottom one always on the left. The no-vowel character (far right in the vowels) is used when the last sound in a word is a consonent. Consonents can connect to the vowel bar on either side, but must connect to the bar above where all the characters after that sound connect. It reads top to bottom, left to right, so the characters have to be written top to bottom in order, but bits of them can cover the same horizontal space as long as the connection points are in order.

Hyphens are used pretty much the same way as in English; to connect the two halves of a long word or to connect to words that are sort of a single word already. The and symbol (&), comma, and question mark are used pretty much the same as their existing counterparts.

Here are some example sentences to show off what text in this language will eventually look like. They were drawn before i decided to include /ə/ and rhotic vowels (the second vowel bar from the right). I made some errors in the IPA transcription, so if you try to read it yourself and something doesn't line up right, that might be on me.

This script is still unnamed (it's just filed as "lang05" on my computer) so if anyone has name suggestions, i'd love to hear them.

[–] IndigoGollum 2 points 9 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into Chao numerals. I know lots of transcription systems exist, i just usually use IPA because it's standard and well known. Any system that's easy to understand would work fine.

[–] IndigoGollum 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's hard, perhaps impossible, to pick a single favorite from everything i read, but some of my favorites i currently read or have read in the past include Sombulus, Stand Still. Stay Silent., Aurora, Devil's Candy, Rusty & Co., Tamuran, Vainglorious, and Tales from Alderwood. They're all long stories, most of which are ongoing, and i have a list of several dozen more with links if anyone wants more. I also enjoy xkcd, SMBC, and Existential Comics.

[–] IndigoGollum 4 points 1 year ago

At least put a napkin over it so no ashes fall in.

[–] IndigoGollum 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Only reheating it for a minute? Soup like foods need a couple minutes on medium-high power if you don't want ðem to be cold or get a microwave skin.

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