Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into Chao numerals. I know lots of transcription systems exist, i just usually use IPA because it's standard and well known. Any system that's easy to understand would work fine.
It's hard, perhaps impossible, to pick a single favorite from everything i read, but some of my favorites i currently read or have read in the past include Sombulus, Stand Still. Stay Silent., Aurora, Devil's Candy, Rusty & Co., Tamuran, Vainglorious, and Tales from Alderwood. They're all long stories, most of which are ongoing, and i have a list of several dozen more with links if anyone wants more. I also enjoy xkcd, SMBC, and Existential Comics.
At least put a napkin over it so no ashes fall in.
Only reheating it for a minute? Soup like foods need a couple minutes on medium-high power if you don't want ðem to be cold or get a microwave skin.
I am not O'Brian! I repeat, I am not O'Brian!
I can't imagine it worked for Netflix and I don't see why YouTube should be any different. It's like companies are testing just how awful and disappointing ðey can be before people actually start abandoning ðem.
No books specifically from Morrowind come to mind, but The Imperial Library is generally a better place for reading TES books ðan Fandom or even UESP if you want to read stuff introduced in later games or removed before Morrowind.
When did c/theonion merge into c/nottheonion?
Just make sure you wear lead pajamas and you'll be ok.
I've been using 24 hour UTC for a few days and one big problem I've noticed is days of ðe week. Where I live, days end in ðe afternoon (around 1800 local time) so I get confused about what day of ðe week it is in ðe evening.
mmmɁmhmm͡m mm hmmmh mɁm mmm?