I had a similar experience where we had an entire class for Novell Directory Services. The reason our teacher gave for keeping the class in the curriculum? We MAY run into it in the workforce.
When I say buy I should have said renew the same license/support. I get the idea that by supporting Crossover I'm reinforcing Windows dominace, but look at Valve with proton and the Steamdeck. Their success shows that Linux is gaming capable which can get people to try Linux that otherwise would have wrote it off.
Edit: swapped 'capable' and 'gaming'
I buy a license for Crossover every year to support Codeweavers. I know its not much but its what I can do to show my support for such an amazing software (talking about WINE).
It's great to see they are hiring, but I do hope they arent being rash with these openings. Ive work my fair share of tech companies and some have a culture to open positions because of KPIs and then 6 months to a year later have a massive layoff because they were completely off with their projections so now they have to cut positions which include some of the people hired well before the hiring bananza.
Ya, I'm sure they calculated the ROI for a monthly/yearly subscription vs the Virtual Console purchases and projected that the subscription would be not just larger source of income but also more consistent which "investors" (aka stockholders) will prefer so Nintendo's stock goes up and to the right.
DNSSEC is a means of authenticating the data receives was not tampered with, such as MITM attacks, thus ensuring data integrity. It uses PKI but it's not an alternative to DoH or DoT which encrypts the DNS traffic, either over HTTPS or TLS, providing confidentiality.
DNSSEC can be used in conjunction with DoH or DoT to achieve the Security CIA triad - Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity.
While this is nice, I do hope they consider making it easier to remove and install a new battery for the next iteration of the steam deck.
To clarify, I mean something similar to phones where the backplate can slide off or preferably a panel, secured by a screw, when removed allows direct access to the battery and allows it to be easily swapped out - similar to many kids toys.
Considering the recent revelations about the shady, scummy and unethical business practices by Honey, I can't say I'm surprised that one of the co-founders is doing more shady shit with their new endeavor.
As a Sysadmin I would be immediately looking for a new job if management wanted to snoop on employees machines via a screen recording/capturing software. I wouldn't want it done to me and I sure as hell wouldn't feel right deploying such spyware!
Not to mention it immediately errodes the fragile trust between IT and the rest of the company and troubleshooting or implementing changes becomes that much harder.
What I tell EVERY person, not just coworkers, is DO NOT TREAT THIS AS A PEROSNAL DEVICE. Keep your personal stuff off the work machine.
It's not even because of snooping by the company. What if the company performs a remote wipe after an unexpected termination? If that device is the only place you kept important documents... Well, you are up shit creek without a paddle.
Now, the type of remote assist tools we have make it very clear to the other person we are connected and can see their screen(s) - connection notifications, persistent banners and disconnect notifications. Every team I've worked on makes it protocol to ASK the employee if we can remote in.
It might seem like a formality but honestly if someone hasn't heeded our advice and is logged into their banks site I don't want to see it! It's very much a CYA policy for IT, but it also shows respect for other employees privacy.
And then those "enterprise features" get borked on the next major macOS release.
Oh you wanted to ensure your remote assist tool could be granted the proper permissions to work? Well screw you! We took away the ability to grant Screen Recording permissions through a MDM profile. Suck it!
In case you didn't know the Screen Recording permission is needed to be able to view the display/screen in applications like Zoom when screen sharing or for remote assist through Screen connect.
Apple's "reason" was essentially "... Think of the users! It's for their security".
Future Cop: LAPD
Though the game wasn't groundbreaking it was fun going around LA in a giant Mech blowing stuff up.
I really liked the ability to transform from a bipedal mech to a fast hover car which also helps with the pacing of the game.
It did introduce me to a tower defense PVP style multiplayer that my best friend and I were hooked on for a solid couple of months.
This is some dumb pearl clutching bullshit.
With this asinine logic, buying apples are condoning evil because their seeds contain cyanide and though there are more effective ways to create cyanide at commercial scale than buying apples and extracting the small amount of cyanide from the seeds it's still a question of moral principle i.e not condoning evil.
In contrast Packt is on the crap end.