"To protect the children", ah yes, an argument with no basis in reality.
I dunno, there is a fair bit of coincidence there, far more so than anything save the extreme end of a probability curve would suggest.
sudo rm -fr - -no-preserve-root
The magic spell that removes the woke mind virus, but only if used on the main twitter server as a high level admin user with full access.
Median might be a better measure here one feels!
Necromancy necromancy necromancy.
Moon Channel has a really good breakdown of how bad things are in terms of gender equality in South Korea.
I stand corrected, he has had a negative impact!
It works and is a pile of jank - Python
It doesn't work and is a pile of jank - C++
You violated gods laws with how bad your code is and it still runs (right through the wall) - C
Looks like I just failed the "responsible adult" test for more than half my life!
I guess shareholders got used to not owning their stock?
"Seek offence and you shall find it"
Peaches and cream?