That's the more vicious part of it. How do we know what this experience they want to serve us is. A more pessimistic read could be they sell everything we type to ad companies and claim targeted ads are totally enhancing our experience.
I read it as "you type a URL in the address bar, we'll take you there. You want to search for something using the search bar? We got you, we'll forward your search to the search engine of your choice. All free of charge."
It's just worded in such generic legal wording it makes you gag. But them pointing it out so explicitly just makes me more suspicious lol. I think it's fine for now, just another wall of text to keep an eye on for any future modifications.
And firing her specifically will fix this problem how?
I'll take the bait. Why?
I agree kotlin can be a cool language sometimes. And I'm sure it's been a more gradual journey if you've worked with it while it's been evolving. But man, jumping in at Android 10/11 having to remain compatible with 7 (we've moved up to a minimum of 10 now thankfully) with how much background services and file storage permissions changed right around that time was an extreme headache to work around.
But I definitely prefer C#'s async/await Tasks than trying to wrap my head around all the various coroutine scopes, runBlocking and all that jazz. I know they are very similar concepts, but there's just something with coroutines that isn't clicking in my head.
Android is the worst environment I've ever worked in. Concurrency? Use Threads! No wait, we got handlers and loopers now. Oh wait sorry, we're doing coroutines this year.
Now let's do DI with Koin. But ooh google released their own version with Dagger, but oh no! It's clunky to use, so well slap some more stuff in top and call it Hilt!
Networking, persistent storage, UI, permission flows, any other API they have follow the same pattern of new shiny thing, oh it didn't turn out very good, here's a new thing to replace the old. Congrats, every blog and SO answer is now outdated. Even the build system has gone from Maven to Gradle in Groovy to Gradle using Kotlin.
And don't get me started on Android Studio itself. The worst IDE I've ever touched. Any changes to the manifest and now you need to manually sync the project. Be prepared to create a shortcut to gradle's cache folder for easy deleting whenever it shits the bed.
Fuck Android development, I hope I'll never have to touch it again after this job.
I guess I do it for a couple of reasons. My mind wanders a lot, looking at myself keeps me a bit focused and ensures I don't do anything silly. I also try to put myself as close to the camera as I can, I know you often come off better looking into the camera when speaking.
Can't believe you didn't build a little outpost on that mountain!
If they didn't want to have a face they shouldn't have evolved two small rings above a large ring!
That's the joke. Greedo shooting first was a poor edit made in later editions, because god forbid the smuggler plays a bit dirty sometimes. If you look closely Han's head just shifts to the side like someone cut it out in Paint. It was the start of the downfall of the originals tragic remaster journey.
I mean, there is definitely a crowd that don't like women as lead characters. While not directly related to movies, just see how a bit of peach fuzz on Aloy upset people when they showed off the new Horizon game. And that's not a poorly written game or character.
Something like Captain Marvel does suit your argument; a poorly written character and movie, so people who criticise it get lumped in with the "women are bad" crowd. But there definitely are people who just hate things that put women in the spotlight.
Edit: fix shockingly poor grammar and spelling.
One issue with that is China is still a heavily bike and moped driven country. The issue is when more of their population is able to afford cars. So they could still "catch up".