Of course there are some exceptions and it's not perfect, but it's not an every day occurrence with most of those. You do bring up valid points. It's more of a thought of not wanting to rush everywhere because you'll get stopped eventually. There are traffic jams, protesters, accidents, and severe weather that can function the same. If it's something that will help someone deal with the everyday and not have to worry about other people's status in the world or even the ongoing depression of how little ahead you are in life, it's a sign that represents a sliver of equality.
Stoicism helped me. The dichotomy of control.
"You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you'll find strength." -Marcus Aurelius
Basically everyone is responsible over their own thoughts and actions.
queue 70's cheesy porn music
And hysterectomies.
"Great, honey! You made me gay!"
I have not heard that name in a long time. .... Long time.
I still whistle the music every so often.
If you want some more reading material, check out Ryan Holiday. He's more modern oriented with stoicism. And of course YouTube or equivalent sources from him.
Obviously this is in mental health. If you're self aware of how cynical you are (and believe me, I've also been there as I'm also in my 40s), you really should look for avenues of therapy that resonate with you. Someone to talk to could actually hash out some inner feelings and turmoil you might be holding on.
I am/was a people pleaser also. It's hard to not be nice when people ask but I also realize if I'm saying yes to someone, I'm saying no to myself or something that might be more important. It's good to at least weigh the balance that way.
My final suggestion is a tall order. It may or may not be a popular suggestion here, but I found that stoicism has helped me. I read, watch videos, and listen to podcasts about the ancient Stoics and it helps me deal with feelings and encounters that enhance those feelings. Getting road rage? Take a deep breath and forgive that person who cut you off. Everyone has their demons and misfortune and perhaps they needed it more. But the point is you take and keep control of your feelings and actions and then you'll pursue peace. Of course shitty things will happen in the world and you don't want to be callous about them. But once you keep your integrity, authenticity, and pursue wisdom, courage, justice and temperance, everyone will see that and follow suit.
Good luck, stranger. I'm just an idiot on the Internet but your words pulled on my heartstrings.
Nobody wants to mention the Malazan Empire series? That's probably fair since chances are good someone would screw it up royally.
Just don't say Elric since we know how they screwed us over on his ripoff.
The best part is no matter what health insurance he has (or doesn't have), that's gonna be expensive as fuck by the end of the year.
When you have too many cooks in the kitchen, it's okay to hate some things on the menu. Unfortunately, the hired cooks are coming from the same awful school.
Alright, you win. You get to start the book deal. Haha