I don’t think they did, they just left some space between no and se. You can see through the glass behind it.
we need to keep the population stable
Then let’s keep it stable at a lower number than it currently is.
Pretty sure it’s because we stopped investing in rail and started subsidizing trucking instead.
We knots linens summer
So no confusion around temperature but you find other ways to confuse each other?
There’s a lot of the post-and-ring, some inverted-u, and some “wave”-style.
I don’t like them, the bikes always fall over and theyre so low density.
Nice cross section but it misses the hitching post / ring style.
I like the 50s style “comb” but hate the inverted u and anything else that doesn’t stop the bike falling over.
Pretty much just eliminate OTR trucking in favor of rail. Mostly eliminate heavy trucks in towns, in favor of smaller box trucks.
Yes, you definitely need to turn every street in town into rails in order to replace over-the-road trucking. That is 100%$ how it works.
there is no real alternative for trucks at the moment
Yeah, I’m afreight there’s railly no alternative way to trainsport things.
modern, civilized
Okay but we’re talking about Texas here.
Wow you’re right. Why on earth did they only lower-case “i“?