Is lemmy slow for everyone or just me? I'm wondering if I need to switch instance
Same here on world....
This is super weird but damn
Had it ask me to pick animals - and there were pictures of chicken wings in there lol
Where you goin? I'm planning on going somewhere there too but in mid september. And to answer your question - don't think it matters too much what you do to prepare, as long as you are in general good shape should be good to go
How did you create this? I personally think the UI is taking up too much screen, icons seem a bit large. Not sure how I feel about a big "plus" just hanging around there either
Can't wait to use it.
Mine is black too, same as my system. Not sure if it defaults to your system preference perhaps?
Respecfully I will have to disagree. I don't dislike the functionality but I don't want my screen cluttered
Nice work :)