- foot
- wget
- lynx
also * ffplay and * yt-dlp.
also * ffplay and * yt-dlp.
Eh? Maybe I should do some "funs and giggles" with my Orange pi zero 3...
Everything is complicated if you aren't willing to commit/learn.
...instead of having to create an entry for every single game.
I think I might be shot and burnt alive in a cross for saying this, but... have you tried adding class="*" instead of restricting it to the steam client only? Oh, and I tried this on my opi zero 3 and it works. The performance boost was really noticeable.
“I’m kissing convenience goodbye, I just want control."
He is in for a surprise when he realizes GNU/Linux is much more convenient than Winblows.
Curiosity and desire to learn.
At that amount of ram, you'd be better buying a rpi 3 or a opi zero 3 one.
Hey, how's 2080 OP? Will we finally get nano pcs able to run Crysis at 16k, with a power draw under 5w?
I go with the "quotation case", "Cool file name".