It really wasn't a choice of me firing someone for not owning a car. I fired someone that couldn't show up consistently. If they could make it work without a car we wouldn't have cared. There are other at the job that do it without owning their own car.
I thought that was Sug Knight (spelling?)?
I hear what you are saying. But as a parent myself I let my kid get familiar with tech. I think it's far easier to know it early and keep going with it. So he watches dumb shorts on YouTube. Or is on discord to game with his friends. But he doesn't do it at school and when it's time to put the phone away he does. I don't think he's addicted to it. I don't think it's that harmful. Anymore than any other thing.
What leads me to the egg comparison is that it's back and forth on if it's good or bad. Depending on who is measuring or what they are measuring.
Hmm. I wonder if we have partied together! I do the ultimates. I'm actually a Penta legend. But I don't parse more than what I naturally do while clearing. I may chase an orange with BiS but I usually get bored after the first few weeks after BiS and go elsewhere.
I was just wondering if your main jam was housing or glam or just the story. If it's raiding I probably wouldn't dig 16 either.
Its not even close to American. It's made like shit. At least Fords, Chevys and Dodges can haul shit. I have a Ford Super Duty that my guys use regularly and it never has issues. My work truck is a Silverado. Thing always starts.
Elon has a piss poor design and not even a truck. It's coke filled nightmare. It's an insult to other car manufacturers to compare it to them.
I agree. I had to terminate an employee that relied on Uber. As much it's a shitty move, my company doesn't fuck around when it comes to attendance. If you are over 10 minutes late multiple times you get fired.
Now it's usually pretty easy for me to be on time and we pay really well. So it's worth it. But not having reliable transportation directly affected his attendance. Is that because we live in an area that is dense and getting an Uber can take a bit at times? Is it any better in the country? Was there anything else he could have done to make it easier?
Maybe. But ultimately it came down to him not being dependable.
I was just asking what your main activity is in XIV. I'm a raider. So the story is cool, but not my driving factor in enjoying the game. The gameplay and mechanics are usually what makes me enjoy it.
I feel like we are talking about cholesterol in eggs again.
What do you do in FFXIV? Like I can't look at a stand alone and expect the same. I even liked SOME of Strangers of Paradise just because of the job skill tree. It was what they embarked on back in ARR and it never happened.
But the demo for XVI and the crossover event was decent. I loved the Ifrit fight and the cave flight part. I am not sure about it though. If I could have done PC as the demo I would have bought it. But waiting 6 months is ass.
God I wish they would read this. But they are too busy licking windows
Mars looks like Southern California in Star Trek in the 60s.