It has been. Because that's how story lines keep rolling. Letting death get in the way of the story is just a detail we can worry about another time.
I think you underestimate how many people feel lost since we elected the orange asshole again.
Probably because guillotines are still recent history. As soon as the poor realize there are more of us than there are of them and DO something about it, we win.
Guillotines are cumbersome. Glocks are easy. Especially with motorized scooters.
If anyone has played the game you know this is just the Desmond timeline
He has a better PR profile than half of Washington
It's not their fucking skin. Let people do what they want with their body.
There were 15 underlings hoping this would happen on a weekly basis for their shot.
That would be smart. Or buy the most common winter jacket sold in the area.
That will never happen
Agreed. If we don't keep some sort of semblance to govern, others will take violence in their own hands for every other thing possible.
I just don't try and make sense of it much anymore