Consider how bad things are in Central America right now and then remember that despite the abject violence currently happening in many countries there right now, the U.S. still harbors deep anti-immigrant sentiments and we regularly turn away people fleeing said violence and return them to the custody of their would-be killers.
Yeah, you won't need an answer to this question when the times comes for us. You'll know, and you'll be willing to get on that boat or airplane leaving for anywhere else even if they aren't accepting refugees or the odds are slim that anywhere else will take you, because the alternative is certain death.
You're probably better off trying to emigrate now rather than waiting for things to get worse, if you are in a position where you can make that choice. Some people make their livings preying upon those who are desperately seeking an escape, so it's a bargain right now to leave for the cost of a plane ticket and whatever elbow grease you need to put in to achieve citizenship abroad.
You deserve the right to exist as much as anybody else.
Hope you can get the police involved, if possible. Not sure where you're from, but I know small town politics don't always make that a real possibility. Rapists too often get away with their crimes because people are too scared to come forward and that's just the sad reality of the country we live in now.
I'll echo the other commenters - if you can get out of here, do it quickly. America is on a very dark trajectory. Don't let yourself continue to be victimized.