
joined 1 year ago
[–] Furbag 5 points 1 day ago

There was always a certain ambiance in Circuit City that I found to be appealing. At least on my local one before it closed down. It was like the lights were dimmed way down, but it was still bright enough to see. I guess you would call that "cool temperature" lighting, which is definitely not fashionable anymore. Everything nowadays seems to follow Apple's store design which is this sterile eggshell white, bathed in neutral or warm temperature lighting. I find it kind of boring, but I understand why they do it that way.

Plus, I loved how instantly recognizable their old stores were. The big red block turned at an angle for an entrance was brilliant imo. They used it a lot in their television commercials and made it look like a plug end or a battery coming down from the sky.

[–] Furbag 10 points 1 day ago (1 children)

A stopped clock is still correct twice a day.

[–] Furbag 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I think the difference is that right-to-die advocates have gone to insane lengths to ensure beyond a reasonable doubt that their setups which administer the lethal substance do so painlessly, so as to ensure that the person willingly choosing to die spends their last few moments not in pain anymore.

Prisons don't seem to have the same standard in mind with their own setups. If anything, they seem to want to maximize suffering for the sake of the spectacle they've arranged the execution around.

[–] Furbag 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

They get confused and think they are sitting in traffic that isn't moving, so they occasionally let out a honk. Multiply it by dozens of vehicles and it's just a cacophony of honking cars with nobody in them.

[–] Furbag 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I'm honestly shocked that the board hasn't gotten rid of him yet. he's just a massive source of problems for them. My suspicion is that he is so good at creating controversy that they can time their watches to it, so to speak, and buy/sell their positions in the company while Elon takes all the heat from the SEC for insider trading, not the crooked board members who know he's a total whacko but acknowledge the reality that he has a lot of gullible techbros with too much money on their hands hanging on his every word and they will rush to buy Tesla stock or Dogecoin or whatever if Elon says he's making market moves when he's actually running his classic pump-and-dump schemes.

[–] Furbag 4 points 4 days ago

She may not have fucked Trump, but Trump sure fucked her.

[–] Furbag 6 points 4 days ago

If you don't have room for busses now, when will you have room for all the parking required for everyone to drive a car around all the time?

[–] Furbag 2 points 4 days ago

Thank you! I think it's sad how they are so desperate to paint their election opponent in a negative light to score political points that they are pretending she's the president and is responsible for everything going on. Even in normal circumstances, the president can't push a magic button and control the price of eggs or gasoline or whatever, but the hypocrisy of blaming Harris for it now is just doubling down on the lie. It was all "Biden did this, Biden did that" right up until he bowed out of the race and suddenly Harris is actually responsible for all that shit and it's infuriating to see them trying it and even more infuriating to see it somehow actually working on people.

[–] Furbag 11 points 6 days ago

But wait! I thought mail-in ballots were fraud? If only the in-person voting on Nov 5th counts according to Republicans, why is he concerned with people casting their ballots before that date? It's not November yet, so plenty of time for another debate so Harris can humiliate Trump again.

The duplicity of the Republican party never ceases to amaze me. I mean, I'm not surprised by their nonsense anymore really, I'm just amazed that there are so many people who have been spoon-fed election lies from Trump and they don't even blink after an about-face like that.

[–] Furbag 21 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I don't know a single person who is only spending 30% on housing. It's more like 50% where I live. A lot of landlords have that dumb "rule" where you must make triple the cost of the lease per month after taxes but will look the other way when 4 people split the cost evenly for a 2 bedroom apartment so they can each make ends meet. Not a single one of them comes close to making 3x the rent each month but an over occupied apartment is more likely to remove a squeaky wheel who won't pay their share of the rent on their own without management having to get involved. Saves them the trouble of having to fight a long legal battle to evict a troublesome tenant.

Housing is so beyond fucked right now.

[–] Furbag 7 points 6 days ago

The spider that was just there a second ago 💀

[–] Furbag 34 points 6 days ago

Pussy ass bitch got obliterated and is running scared. Can't even get a single conherent sentence about policy out of his mouth.

Vote in November and make sure his ass lands in a prison cell.


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