While I don't disagree that right wing assholes have been gleefully ruining everything for pretty much my entire adult life, the billionaires are the puppet-masters orchestrating the entire show, and no matter which side wins, they always come out on top. That's by design. We can't fight a class war when we're at each other's throats constantly and too distracted fighting an ideological culture war that has been raging for decades.
Anybody who is gung-ho about this red team or blue team shit is unknowingly a mercenary footsoldier in the billionaire class war against the poor. We need to start caring less about whether our ninety-nine-percenter neighbor is flying a Trump flag or a Biden flag and start caring more about the point-oh-one percent of fat cats picking our pockets and getting away with it.
The absurdity of this guy getting a court hearing a day after his arrest, and Trump getting slow walked through all of his indictments over the course of four years is overwhelming.
You can tell who is really in charge when the system is so scared of this guy and his message that they feel the need to put him away as fast as possible while the media drags him through the mud along the way. The oligarchs are scared.