Yakuza 0 was absolutely fantastic, kiwami 1 was ok and kiwami 2 was also good
Nier automata, nier replicant, Yakuza like a dragon, FF7R, Baldurs Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 2, Control, star wars fallen order/survivor
But what if they like, do it suspiciously well. Like they really know how to handle a strangers dong? Like ..they may have done this many times 🤔
The silver lining, for me, is that I'm doom scrolling less due to the smaller amount of content here. But yeah, we need more creators here (I am not good at coming up with memes)
This man brought the real receipts 🙌
is the meme that you're sleeping well, you're sleeping in prison or that you're sleeping well in prison?
Does you inner monologue have a voice? Mine is just... Voiceless? Like, pure translation. I never think in "My Voice".
Do trans women not count as lesbians? I've heard some of them call themselves transbians. Since they identify as a woman then I would assume lesbian would apply to them. But I know I shouldn't assume.
Wait people thought this was bad? I haven't seen since I was a kid, so my memories are rose tinted
How do you know you guys didn't have sex but neither remembered it lmao
Yes, will probably make a monthly subscription that walls off ability to download mods.
(Also, it's "champing" at the bit. Sorry for the correction but it's a small pet peeve seeing chomping so much now)