Honestly, I don't think there's going back to any level of normal. Maybe by quickly destroying the system, we will be able to quickly rebuild it (after all the destruction to everyone's lives)
As a person? Yes
As a politician? Arguably no since he's not the one making decisions.
Hes so very clearly nothing but a figure head. His boss in Russia, the heritage foundation and their billionaire backers are commanding him. The fuckin guy was told to shut up by a child, in the white house while Elon was behind the desk answering questions. I think part of the game plan is to make America look as dumb/inept as possible and it is working beautifully.
I wonder if they gave Elmo two left feet on purpose.
Really weird when I heard him on Invincible. Like, I'm glad he's finding success but did not predict Filthy Frank would become mumble, electronic R&B.
Class war is the only real one.
In the end, my receipts don't matter. It's fake news. The closest I can get is to make my points using FOX NEWS articles. But there's often a shit ton of spin on those so I can't get the really hard hitting facts across. Best example was my trumper friend saying that ICE is going after criminal immigrants and not the good, working ones. I linked the fox news article saying that the ICE commander said everyone's on the chopping block. I was met with "No, no they can't do that. They can't do that. They won't do that". They literally live in their own made up reality where the rules are how they interpret them and not how they actually are. Even when their glorified party proves them wrong, time and time again.
God bless my buddy's hearts. They're good people but theyre actively getting corrupted and I'm trying at every chance I get to give them a different perspective.
Same with friends. But it's so hopeless trying to get through to them. I know their feeds are filled with "LIBERAL TEARS, IMMIGRANTS BECOMES MILLIONAIRE WITH FOOD STAMPS AND HERES WHY WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE ACTUAL VICTIMS" They see it on their YouTube. Their Twitter. Their Facebook. Their Instagram. Their FOX (self described non news "entertainment" channel) NEWS app. They're getting hit with propaganda from everywhere, not even counting the decades of Fox that's infected their family. They're so incredibly misinformed and I don't know what way to change their minds. Some times they'll listen but it never sticks, probably the same way I do when they're telling me how democrats actually set up any bad thing that happens.
I always like to say: there was a way America gained its independence and it wasn't by standing around waving signs
A fun, obviously very very very VERY wrong, idea I think about is Trump breaking the country on purpose to reveal the flaws and loopholes, to force action to fix them. A benevolent imbecile. I wish it were the case.
Crazy how 32 years later, it applies more than ever.
My partner streams on twitch, only reason I go on that site (also found out T pain streams a lot of things there and he's genuinely amazing to watch, I will shill him every time I can). I only found out about prime gaming because I'd get notifications from twitch that I can claim free games from epic and GOG. So I got several big titles that way.