
joined 2 years ago
[–] Fashim 3 points 1 day ago

You'll have a blast, very reminiscent of FO1/2 some of the writing from Van Buren was also adapted for NV. Personally I think it's the best fallout after 2.

3 is a fun game but Bethesda will never be able to write RPGs like Obsidian, the company just doesn't have the same principles to do something like that

I would avoid the rest of series if I were you, it's a cash cow series for Bethesda now

[–] Fashim 46 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

Mad seems like a really good vector to organise attacks on CEOs

I mean it's a bit of a perfect storm isn't it? You have a military set up to promote kids into a form of indentured servitude for college etc

Then after they've been chewed up and spit out they're often fucked over by veteran social services

Then you have this techbros uber app, which is promoting SAD/SOG/SWAT/SEAL kinda guys but we all know how slimey techbros are so chances are you'll get Bob who did 2 years in the cost guard coming to protect you.

Now if I'm vet who's been fucked over and I have the right credentials to get a job protecting the people who fucked me over, what do you think I'm gonna do?

[–] Fashim 2 points 1 day ago

Gee I'd be frustrated too, not at the direction Musk took twitter rather because I'd be deaf dumb and blind to think like this.

[–] Fashim 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I think CrossOver is designed to have better compatibility with specific programs (MS office, adobe programs etc)

Crossover is a for profit organisation + software but their contributions to wine are open sourced/pushed upstream to the wine repo

[–] Fashim 7 points 2 days ago

Very important to keep in mind that even if evidence suggests the election was rigged that there are plenty of actors (Russia for example) that would want Trump in power to destabilize the states

Not pointing fingers and looking at this objectively is the best way for it to gain traction

[–] Fashim 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

It's hard not to be happy about this when your country has been subjected to American imperialism, I feel for you and I don't have anything against the American people (except the retards who supported this)

And while it's unlikely at this point, America relinquishing it's power might open a pathway for meaningful change rather than keep us stuck in this perpetual cycle of sucking billionaires off.

Hang in there and if you can, smack a Nazi for old times sake.

[–] Fashim 9 points 5 days ago

Welcome, I joined here after the API protests. It's a smaller community so content is slow to move but it's nice to have forums where you're having constructive conversations with people, not a huge amount of bots or repeated to death catch phrases

Enjoy this little bastion before it attracts mainstream attention. :)

[–] Fashim 4 points 1 week ago

More like it gets stuck in a boot loop 60% of the time, your devices are always crashing and this seems to happen at the moments when you most need them

[–] Fashim 3 points 1 week ago

Training to failure has its benefits, particularly in strength/weightlifting areas, overtraining can cause rhabdomyolysis and other issues but that's usually from a combination of factors like nutrition, rest, sleep, proper form etc it happens more often in HIIT exercises where someone might be training at an extreme pace

FWIW I'm just some guy who exercises, take this with a grain of salt

[–] Fashim 1 points 1 week ago

Just so you know putting blades through the dishwasher dulls them faster, the main thing is the edge will warp due to differences in temperature so you'll need to hone them with a steel afterwards to keep the edge consistent, you'll also probably need to use a whetstone more often.

But up to you, I've got 'trash and bash' knives I put through all the time, but I keep my expensive knives away from it

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