Yes, he's listed first. If you click to expand the full list of authors you see the rest. Crewman Daniels is a shady name to be sure.
Mike Okuda is credited as an author on the book I posted. Or should I say "book", as I don't think it exists.
Oh, that's a good point. Based on that I checked wikipedia and it's not listed on his page there either:
I think it's certainly a fraud. Oh well. It's a great idea for a book.
I replied to the wrong person - I have this one, it's great. But as another responder said, I'm interested in LCARS specifically. I'm starting to think that this book is a fraud. How could the designer of something as elegant as LCARS release a book with such an ugly cover.
I already have it - it's great. But I'm very into the interface. According to the Amazon listing, the book I'm interested in is by Crewman Daniels, Rick Sternbach, Michael Okuda, Trevor Gleeson, Mike Smith, David Ultra, Susan McNichols. That would make it official too. But it's so strange that it doesn't exist elsewhere - I wonder if it's even real at this point.
Yeah, I'm using Amperify app (iOS) and it's great. I'm very happy with my choice of Navidrome now.
My first day was like not having ADHD - at all. Never had that experience again unfortunately. So yes, I’m not surprised that it’s common.
Clever. I hope they fix this properly though.
I'll check next time I see him but to me it looks like it could be Commercial Course.
Update: All we know is that it was to do with shorthand writing and typing. Apparently she had a typing speed of around 130 WPM, and that was on those clunkers of typewriters.
TG4 turning water into wine as usual on a small budget.
I don't think there are any public figures for the app specifically, or the infrastructure that supports it. In their pre-budget 2022 submission they put forward plans to invest nearly EUR 4m on "platforms and apps". But that's an umbrella figure and doesn't reveal much.
They might be responsive to questions, though. Their contact page is They have an FOI page at