Yup. I’m pretty sure I’m done being a “democrat”, whatever that means now. The party sucks.
Most men don’t want to do the work of marriage. /shrug
You’re supposed to be managing a household with a partner. Instead, it often becomes women who carry the load of housework, which is unpaid labor—try to hire a house cleaner for free to prove my point. 53% of men help with house chores. 93% of women help with house chores.
To your point, you’re more likely to get divorced if you spend more money on a wedding. And large weddings are typically a waste of money. But blaming women about divorce rates while men aren’t contributing to the work required to support a family is also a bad argument. Support is more than money.
I make 6x what my wife makes. It doesn’t mean I get to skip out on chores or even should skip out. In reality outside this stupid capitalistic hellscape, her time is just as valuable as mine because our lives are equally valuable. No one wants to feel alone in dealing with bullshit.
This was noted as a TikTok trend the other week in Australia. Really awful behavior to target anyone like this.
The loss of meaning feels like a real problem. It feels like the last ten years has had a lot of rapid turnover with our post-truth world.
People want to use extreme language to describe extreme events, make people emotional. But when every event is labeled that way, it loses meaning, even if it is true:
- calling people Hitler
- racism
- genocide
- antisemitism
- health care
- truth
- patriotism
We have had actual racism, actual genocide, actual antisemitism. But if every event becomes these things, what do the words even mean?
Is it the Victorian mall ninja era?
I feel like he’s just going to kill her. In 20 days, he’s an unchecked president. Who is going to stop him?
My personal faith involves Alan Watts’ thought experiment on God.
God made heaven, had everything, and it got boring. So God made a new adventure where god is challenged, but they always succeed. But this too became boring.
So God, with infinite power, imagined a world where they forgot they were god. They didn’t know what would happen next.
And that is the adventure you and I live in now. Eventually, we’ll get back to heaven / nirvana / reconciliation with God, and then go on another adventure.
Isn’t what you described heaven?
You know, if he moved the capital to Florida, it would be somewhat fitting for the country’s current direction.
We are cancelling some services. The value isn’t there, and we need the money. /shrug
I would be careful with that bet. Two of his major qualities are:
If it suits him to free a bunch of people in order to gain power, he absolutely will. He’s also unchecked, so he has 0 risk.
Think of all the Trump stuff Trumpers have. There’s whole cottage industries around this stuff. What is a con man without a mark? Desperate.