Yikes! What a cringefest.
Pinto Noir
Goodness! I am with child to know what end of the political spectrum this fellow most identified with?
Wondering if your vocal control will outlast your other fine motor skills, and therefore have you considered just recording your yourself monologuing anecdotes, impressions, commentary, what have you? I’m reminded of folks’ oft-time lament that they did not record their loved one’s voices in an every day setting and being unable to recall exactly how they sounded after they are gone.
You gotta wade through a lot of bullshit on social media generally, even here in the fediverse which I’m sure we consider to be a cut above. But every once in a while, you strike gold in a post like this. This place is a better place and I am richer for you having posted. I wish you the best of luck here and in the beyond.
More of this kind of rhetoric please. Call these dorks out at every opportunity.
Higher road, schmier-road.
Outstanding response
Just a couple of crazy cut-ups!
I’d posit that piano man is a pompous song by one of the most pompous pricks in pop music, who grows more pompous and self absorbed with every passing moment.
You are not wrong. In fact, it is arguably the most compelling show on TV period.
Extra credit for feckless
Behold the Master Race™️