
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Ouch. The primary care situation in some parts of Canada is grim too but at least my appointment wait times are 1-2 weeks

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

90% of the badwebcomics wiki exists for no reason but to shit on someone for daring to put themselves out in public where others can see them. I completely agree. There's the odd creator on there that fully deserves criticism for genuine assholery and abuse, but mostly it's like "this guy makes a very cringy comic, jump him!" bullshit.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

"yeah we always thought this could happen," the family said in a statement. "We're very negligent, to the point of abuse."

Idk what people are expecting to see.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (3 children)

They've already killed people.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

I'd go back to around the time my daughter started sleeping through the night. Don't want to risk a reality where my kids don't exist. I'd tell my friend the cancer is coming back, when it's still early enough to do something.

Don't really know what else I'd do. Don't really care. Be nice to live through those years again without changing much else to be totally honest

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

You got some good answers but remember too, you're only seeing a fragment of those kids at your place. The screen might for example be a special rare reward for them to keep them quite so your friends can visit you... doesn't mean they're on scree s all the time.

My kids aren't particularly screen born most of the time, but when we're out I often relax the rules to keep things smooth. The fact that it's a rare treat makes it even more effective

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That seems to be part of it. I haven't paid any attention to any of the news before it launchedd, because I don't give a damn about console wars or todd howard. I just got the game because my friends were playing it and it sounded like something I'd really like, and it was.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)


My chief complaint has been that there are too many things. If you go to a moon in the middle of nowhere, your landing site will have an abandoned research station and a secret factory and an observation post all within a couple KM around it. These aren't tied to the location, but they are hand-crafted, and as soon as the mod API drops I plan to decrease the frequency they show up, because my only complaint is that I hear after a while they get repetitive. So far I've been doing enough different things that I haven't found the same one twice, a hundred hours in.

Many of these sites contain their own storylines and characters, and links to other quests.

Maybe you and I just have different definitions of interesting. I actually got annoyed at one point during a survey mission because I kept going past something new and compelling that I wanted to explore, but I also really wanted to finish the mission I was on.

edit to add: I think it's specifically interesting to compare this to NMS, which has the exact same problem but a far lower variety of locations to stumble on, none of which have any story or link to each other at all... yet I think we're all okay with the exploration in NMS?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'd also give it an 8 or so and I haven't liked anything they've done since Morrowind. I think the internet hate-train has its fangs in this one now, and it'll be a while before a lot of folks can give it an unbiased chance.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I can't speak for everyone (including you) but I just can't understand that feeling. It's hugely open, it just uses tricks to capture that openness in a few places. It's nice to, say, fly down to a planet seamlessly in NMS, but we all know it's also kind of a pain in the butt sometimes, it can be annoying to land and it can take a long time and when you've done it a bunch it essentially turns into just another loading screen. Flying to or from a planet in SF is slightly less immersive but for me, it's just a tiny detail that could have been a bit better but doesn't materially impact the game.

And I've so far never reached the edge of an on-planet instance, the fields are huge and it seems to me you have to actively go hunting for the borders.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I'm not too surprised it isn't 'the' game to play, myself, but I am surprised at the amount of backlash against it online. It seems to me to be everything it says it will be on the tin, warts and all

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

I mean... I think it's a pretty good space game too, depending on what you want.

Yesterday I took my custom-built ship to explore an alien world. On my way in, I was hailed by a merchant and warned there were pirates in system. I thanked them, they jumped off, and being me, I decided to go planet hopping until I ran into the pirates. Destroyed two, saw that one had a cool looking ship so I switched to EMP weapons and took out their grav drive and engines. Once those were offline, I boarded them. The damage had taken out their gravity so the whole ship was in zero-g, with pens and junk floating around, obscuring my vision. The firefight against the crew was surprisingly tough, as they had mounted auto-turrets that were at a distinct advantage against me because I was being thrown around by the micrograv, but I did eventually capture the ship. Once I got the gravity on, though, all the stuff in the interior crashed down and was scattered everywhere. I searched around to see if I could find some contraband... but it was too messy, and I guess I missed some, because when I jumped into a more civilized sector the SysDef patrols caught me. Here I am, flying a stolen pirate ship, trying to explain to the cops that the drugs in my hold aren't mine and I didn't know they were there. Usually I'd bribe the guy to let me through but that didn't work out well this time, and the next thing you know I find myself in the brig aboard the UC Vanguard under a bright lamp being interrogated by someone with far too much brass on his chest to be dealing with a reported drug runner. Looks like maybe I got myself in a bit over my head...

Anyway. If that's not a space game, I don't know what is. I can't think of any other space games that would offer that particular mix of space combat and RPG experiences. And that wasn't really an unusual play story! It's just that this isn't NMS, as I think that shows.


I've been finding a little time to do micro PRs with just a bit of small talk for NPCs I write. Having been out of commission for months, it feels good. I've added a little small talk for Jenny Forcette, Uyen Tran, and Mandeep Singh in the refugee centre.

If there's an NPC, particularly in the refugee center but I'm open to other suggestions, who you would love to get a little more characterization and dialogue, feel free to suggest. Or, if there's a short-answer question you'd like to ask a particular NPC, let me know. In my next pass I am going to try to add a bit of dialogue where you can ask Rubik about where they came from, for example.


See title. If you could just instantly implement one thing exactly as it works in your mind, what would you add?


!dda_[email protected]

If you don't already know the game but like obscenely detailed, complex, and weird roguelike survival games, come check us out!


Due to life circumstances I haven't been able to play or follow development closely since a few months after G stable. Any interesting developments in H-experimental?

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