Perhaps read the rest of the comment.
Showing as always that they oppose everyone to their left and seek the approval of those to their right.
Well, progressives are used to not having power. Instead of having to feign helplessness like democrats do every time we give them a majority to squander.
All the protests and boycotts so far this year haven't had the wide publicity necessary to break through before a resounding "we were supposed to be doing what three days ago?"
I think Sanders is mustering resources. It's a hunch, but we've heard a lot in the past month or so from Sanders and AOC. I think the leaders of the progressive wing are in the recruitment phase for something.
I really hope they are, at least.
And just like that, democrats forget that the filibuster exists. Because the filibuster is only for blocking progressive policy.
I can’t wait for them to come for you.
I know. Centrists will rejoice in the suffering of everyone to their left until it's them.
Hope you’re still alive to get some licks on by the time I get to the gulags.
And you entertain fantasies about violence against people to your left. Wonder what it would be like if you ever thought about punching right.
If you weren’t on board with people dying then you would support the people who tried to stop it instead of lying and defaming them.
"Tried" can't do the heavy lifting you're expecting of it here.
So Klein's a liar because he's not as on board with exploiting the dying like the insurance industry wants.
Nelson threatened to filibuster if the bill contained the public option. Guess Ezra Klein's a liar too, just like anyone who isn't on the side of you and the insurance industry.
Nelson broke the 60 needed for the final watered down version of the bill to pass
Have some receipts. Nelson threatened to filibuster if the public option was there. He made sure that the bill was watered down so more people would go bankrupt and die. Like you and insurance companies want.
I was mistaken. Its companion legislation passed via reconciliation.
At least the public option died because your vp nominee killed it for you, with the help of Senator Ben Nelson, also a democrat so you can't pretend that only independents hate patients and want them to go bankrupt and die.
But you will anyway. Just like you pretend that Democrats never have a majority because then you don't have to expect anything from them.
Hey, someone had to close that barn door. If we ever get another horse, it might leave too.