
joined 1 year ago
[–] Ejh3k 16 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

We order dominos kinda regularly. Check their coupons next time. I can tell you that I'll get a large 5 topping, stuffed cheesy bread and wings for that price or cheaper. And I'm your friendly neighbor to the west, not in a major or midsized area.

[–] Ejh3k 39 points 2 days ago (11 children)

My favorite to use: "not gonna lie to you."

[–] Ejh3k 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Pickle juice. Also, pickles.


I work outside doing physical labor, I maintain a giant jar of pickles at work and home. There is no better relief when I am feeling crampy after a hot hot day than a giant swig from the pickle jar.

[–] Ejh3k 56 points 4 days ago (3 children)

You can recharge your new iPhone in the microwave.

[–] Ejh3k 5 points 4 days ago (5 children)

Isn't it the most recent major color?

[–] Ejh3k 4 points 2 weeks ago

It's possible. I did a lot of drinking.

[–] Ejh3k 2 points 2 weeks ago

I was 18. I didn't really care about what companies were headquartered in which countries.

[–] Ejh3k 9 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)
[–] Ejh3k 21 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

Seoul. I was barely 18 and got stationed there. I was expecting grass huts and donkey carts based off MASH or other movies I've seen.

But I was legitimately shocked. Like you know in movies when someone goes through Tokyo for the first time and they are starting struck, that was me in Seoul.

[–] Ejh3k 9 points 3 weeks ago

I keep a jar of pickle juice at work so I can keep cramp free on hot days. It's nothing to be ashamed of.


You are already getting the pan hot enough to sear, just leave it there a little while longer and it's cooked!


Guess which platoon I was in?


Well, my all bears fantasy team fucking lit it up today.

submitted 9 months ago by Ejh3k to c/asklemmy

Or is it just scribbles?

Hey Talls! (self.tall)
submitted 9 months ago by Ejh3k to c/tall

Don't you love it when something you see or do is so commonplace to you, and when you show someone shorter and they can't even imagine it?

submitted 10 months ago by Ejh3k to c/veterans

My rating got bumped up to 70%. So no more property taxes!

I waited nearly 20 years to start this process, and I'm mad at myself for having waited this long. All those times I was dead ass broke, thousands of dollars in credit card debt, stuck in jobs that I couldn't afford to quit because otherwise I'd have to take a worse paying job and wouldn't be able to afford food.

The monthly payments don't make my hands work better, or my knees not hurt, or help my breathe through my nose, or help with my PTSD, but goddammit, I am significantly less stressed about stuff since my first rating earlier this year.

Luckily I'm in a job I love, with fantastic benefits and hours. And I'm married to a wonderful lady who brings home the bacon. I've been out of debt for a while, but I was always stressed about falling back into it.

Not anymore.

Power Vomit (self.bandnames)
submitted 10 months ago by Ejh3k to c/bandnames
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Ejh3k to c/dadworld

Heavy metal puked like 6 times, drank some water and cooled down some. Felt better about 5 minutes later, so I went out and finished my yard and did my neighbor's.

Feeling 100% fine now. Sometimes you just have to get the evil out.


Nearly $100 this time. Add that to the over $400 from Facebook, and all thanks to this Great State's law's protecting privacy.

It does irk my wife some though, because we can't teach our nest cam that it's just me getting the mail and we don't need the notifications.

submitted 11 months ago by Ejh3k to c/illinois

Nearly $100 from Google because the great state of Illinois doesn't allow companies to collect and store biodata.

I'm over $500 collected in class action lawsuits because of this great state!


It was a really early CD-Rom game, probably 1993ish. You started off in the stone ages using sticks and rocks, fighting off bad guys and solving puzzles, and you'd move through time using the weapons of that era. I don't think I would classify it as an educational game because outside of the weapons and settings, I don't remember much of it having any information.

I'm pretty sure it was the first video game I ever beat.

Edit: it was not a real time strategy game. It was third person perspective.


It was a really early CD-Rom game, probably 1993ish. You started off in the stone ages using sticks and rocks, fighting off bad guys and solving puzzles, and you'd move through time using the weapons of that era. I don't think I would classify it as an educational game because outside of the weapons and settings, I don't remember much of it having any information.

I'm pretty sure it was the first video game I ever beat.

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