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[–] Eatspancakes84 24 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I get why you are saying this, and it is definitely possible that all will be fine. However, what distinguishes the all will be fine crowd from the alarmists, is that the alarmists take what Trump said in his rallies literally, whereas the calmer crowd doesn’t. That’s COMPLETELY different from QAnon, which has never relied on direct quotes from elected Democratic to make their point.

[–] Eatspancakes84 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

There will certainly be an election. Potentially, the main opposition candidates will be in jail (or in a deportation camp in Alaska), but an election will happen.

[–] Eatspancakes84 1 points 1 month ago

I do! I usually buy an annual supply in the Netherlands because it is much cheaper than in other European countries. No alarms were ever raised (obviously since otc pharmacies are entirely anonymous). Again, the price difference between countries gives a strong indication of the profit motive involved.

The argument about blisters sounds ridiculous. Do you really believe you will stop an addict from his addiction because he has to push a bit harder.

[–] Eatspancakes84 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

How exactly do small packages limit use? There is no limit to the amount of packages you can buy. However, those small packages are severely overpriced. I think it’s safe to say that profit considerations played a role in their design.

[–] Eatspancakes84 2 points 1 month ago

Maybe you missed the memo, but the law is not changing in our favor unfortunately.

[–] Eatspancakes84 22 points 1 month ago

I would hope that schools sit down with kids that say this and discuss what the statement means, how it is interpreted, and ask the kid to put himself in the other person’s shoes. Not a big fan of punishing kids harshly for things they may well have copied from their parents.

[–] Eatspancakes84 4 points 1 month ago

Obama campaigned on a platform of change. He promised healthcare and (very importantly at that time) to pull troops from Iraq/Afghanistan. His campaign was very aspirational, even if his first term in office was not. That campaign won in Indiana and Ohio, to give an idea of the popularity of these ideas. Biden won by a very small nr of voters in the swing states running against a (at that time) very unpopular president.

[–] Eatspancakes84 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I wonder if it would have been better for her to step down as VP when accepting the nomination. As a VP she couldn’t distinguish herself at all.

[–] Eatspancakes84 7 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I agree with you that the Biden/Harris approach to economics is dead. There are virtually no voters left in the middle, so shifting to the right doesn’t help the Democrats like it used to. I also think the policies you propose will help a significant share of voters.

The bigger issue is communication. If these policies aid a significant part of voters, how can we convince them of this in the face of the right wing propaganda machine? That battle is as important as the policy platform, and it’s a very tricky challenge to overcome.

Another worry I have is that the Trump government will be more evil and less like a shitshow than his previous stint. Unfortunately, I think many voters will get behind evil stuff like rounding up migrants if it’s done in an organised manner.

[–] Eatspancakes84 59 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Right the great antagonising that happened by awarding Musk government contracts and electric car subsidies. Oh how Musk suffered under Democrats.

[–] Eatspancakes84 1 points 1 month ago

Yes indeed call me a skeptic, but I do not trust my bones (or any other body part that’s not my brain). Bones and their feelings are the target of charlatans and populist (like Trump).

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