I like the recipe management, but I dislike the grocery list for the same reason I don't like Grocy. It is just too complex and hard to use in the store.
It looks promising. Thanks for the suggestion.
I will have a look into it.
That is a funny idea. I will totally do this the next time I am using a support ticketing system.
But most humans responding there have no clue how to write Python...
I feel like you're all making these names up...but they were probably suggested by a LLM all together...
You don't have to, but if you do you may have the ability to stand up against a company trying to shut down your open source project...
The good thing (for me personally) is that only some very old mail aliases of mine are in this collection. Which means that using a password manager to create and save all my passwords for years does have a positive effect.
Load HQ images is enabled though...
Not sure if this is new to this version, but this post's image looks really bad. The image itself is alright.
Is Hunt Down The Freeman available for Nintendo consoles?
Before we had Google, we had Altavista and before that we had indexes like Yahoo. Maybe we should consider going back. With the help of AI (I know...) it seems feasible to keep up with the ever growing content.