
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

I always include the rider because the picture of the bike is on the street. A bike or motorcycle on a street is "everything I do not want to hit".

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

That's interesting... bold move though. I can think of MANY failed 3rd person mobas.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I can't remember what youtuber did this. But some guy tried to heat a pool this way with their server rack

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago

For me it's very much dependent on the topic at hand.

Coding, kbin, email, calendar, dark.

Still gotta work in light mode on word... just looks wrong otherwise.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

That's what I was wondering, it's 12km at it's widest, so 6 km max from the border. A balloon, a series of drones a spyplane has range, which Israel doesn't need. The same drones that were keeping eyes on the George Floyd protests in Minneapolis could stay in the air longer and use less fuel.

Even then either is going to just show groups of people, you'd need hours of steady footage to even attempt to make deductions. I would've figured it'd be a stream of several drones for 24/7 coverage.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

I'm not surprised. I know people who don't even know what an ethernet cable is. I've worked enough IT to realize that a tangled mess of 6 cables can be as horrifying as a Predator to people. It doesn't help that everything is slowly going to POE, POE+ and even ++ now so it's doubling as power as well. In analog video days I could look at the back of a random device and instantly figure out it's purpose. That's rapidly becoming a rarity. For a worrisome section of the population, plugging in an ethernet cable is the equivalent of building a table or performing a back flip.

And when it comes to hacking, good god nobody knows anything. I remember we had a dozen students in high school (around 2000ish?) get suspended for "hacking" and really it was just that a section of the student body found a network storage location without any password protection and were using it as a flash drive on school grounds. Literally they just suspended anybody who signed their name on the homework assignments stored there.

The real crime was that drive had lunch pins for all the accounts in plain text to run their system, without a password!

[–] [email protected] 28 points 5 months ago (2 children)

You know what really irks me though? Even if we didn't go green. Those 40,000 jobs are going to vanish. Coal doesn't grow like trees. That mine will empty one day and it's going to get shut down without warning, without any severance packages, the company is just going to run. There will even still be coal in the mine, it's just no longer cheap enough to mine it.

Historically, that's how it happens. Even in this day and age the moment a better mine opportunity is found, they're gone. They make the town dependent on them, they use the town in every way they can, they donate to the schools and municipal water supply, and then they vanish without warning leaving the town in the lurch. Happens with copper, happens with gas, happens with silver and it happens with coal.

At least the green movement will give you a date, a head start, and at least an iota of sympathy.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago

Last I looked into it the risk was moving to an entirely different game engine with Godot. Different features, APIs, capabilities. Godot in particular doesn't port the greatest outside of PC.

Although the article was more about making the first one.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 5 months ago (1 children)

that... really sounds fishy.

How's he moving tables? He has a truck? How'd he get a truck?

Ok I gotta look into this because I am just curious how dumb this is. I just clicked this because I was genuinely curious.

By week 9 he has an office? EDIT: No he has access to the office in week 1, renting the shared community space costs 40 bucks a month... 40 bucks a month for what you could get from a public library. Also can't help but notice that he's also working there with film crew and editor... which is also probably 40 bucks a head. So he's a poor broke guy who is actually one broke guy and 3 to 6 non broke guys... Like, I've never rented a space like this but this sounds like bullshit.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 months ago (1 children)

So, I'm a bit younger than the era you're looking for, but my dad was an alcoholic and I remember as a kid being in the local bar and being juuuust short enough that I was just under the smoke line. I had to breach that line to get up on a bar stool and ask for a kitty cocktail. It always felt like I crossed the border to another world whenever I did.

I think I need to use more force to clear my lungs than my peers, but other than that my lack of athletic ability is mostly self inflicted.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 months ago

You know I was actually thinking this the other day, I know so much about Egyptian, Roman, civil war, and WWII history entirely from video games... Ceasar 3, Civilization, The Nile, are any of those games still being made? I feel like it's just civilization. Really developer's back then didn't even have a reason to throw in the history stuff but they did, for context and just a love for history.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 months ago

You know, genuinely I have no idea. Especially because due south my GOD is Iowa completely NOT progressive in any way, shape, or form. If you ever drive through Iowa and start flicking through the radio stations it's terrifying. One radio station saying that "so and so democrat is the antichrist" is one too many but there were several.

Because my first thought would be urbanization, but really Wisconsin and Minnesota population distribution is not that different. It's also not bleed over from Canada because we're both about as connected as the other. Large forests and lakes between us. Prince was genuinely propping up the local music scene a TON before he died but... I don't think a single industry could be responsible for it. (it's a difference though) Then we even elected Jessie Ventura Governor, which... maybe scared other politicians to get in line? I genuinely don't know. I grew up in an incredibly conservative town in Minnesota but at the same time I had enough info to go "some of this sounds like utter bullshit". I remember listening to Joe Soucheray as a kid (even showed up on his radio broadcast at the fair once) it's not like conservatives aren't there, but not in the numbers.


More tidbits for base building, because I've now joined a server and dear god these bases are making my eye twitch.

  • The palbox can be moved and it doesn't automatically destroy the base. It apparently destroys some objects (unsure of what, haven't seen it do that yet) and it shoves all the pals that are out into your personal storage (you should take them out manually first though by finding an empty page and filling it up. then you can easily put them all back) Do be quick putting it back though because everything slowly takes damage while outside the base area.

  • The palbox footprint is so freakishly large because there is a spawn area directly behind the palbox. That's where the players and pals spawn when fast traveling or summoned. They always spawn at the lowest point below that spawn area. So you can place it five stories up with the spawn area off the ledge and have people/pals spawn on the first floor. Sounds hilarious, must try in a server.

  • The palbox ring is really more of a vertical cylinder of control, not a sphere.

  • foundations can be raised and lowered easily if you try to build it as far from your body as you can

  • If you need to build a bit over a body of water, build a foundation as LOW as you can go, as far into the water as you can. Build a wall on the water side of the foundation, you can then build two roofs forward into the water and a roof and stairs towards the land. Extend that left and right as much as desired. It can look cludgey, but when every bit of space matters you can easily fit a ranch or farms on it. You can even throw the beds underneath this platform.

  • Quarries and lumbermills take priority. Pals seem to do tasks from left to right, so if you have a quarry, they don't do anything to the right of mine, and they don't mine anything but a quarry. Same thing with a lumbermill. 3 pals fill a quarry or lumbermill.

  • You don't need quarries and lumbermills, Especially on a server, just leave an area of trees and stone. You can mine boulders and trees for stone and palladium, and wood and fiber. All without a grinder. Yes it makes it slower, but also when everything is gone pals will do other shit while it grows back. Making it superior in many ways to a quarry or lumbermill.


Couple of interesting tidbits I've discovered during base building, because I just love the basebuilding aspect of this game.

  • Pals can't pass through closed doors, meaning you can actually turn off an automated task if you put it into a room with a door. So you can easily turn your wood or stone quarry on or off by opening/closing a door. Or just make a private pal proof area.

  • Pals can be too tall to enter a building. Two stories a floor is a good buffer to make sure everyone fits so far. (This happens so much faster than you think. Even a penking is too tall) It's an incredibly stealthy buff to the beginner small pals. (also it's a great way to filter out certain pals from doing things)

  • Grapple gun still works when you're encumbered, so load up on stone and wood, grapple to your palbox, fast travel to the new base, and shove all your wood and stone into a barrel. Your second base will be SOOOO much better than your first.

  • Speaking of barrels (they're in the early furniture research very easy to miss) they stack, and hold inventory! and you can put a chest on top of a barrel, then delete the barrel and place another chest where the barrel was.

  • Lot's of furniture holds inventory like the wall cabinet. It only holds two things, fill it with stone and wood and don't ever worry about someone sticking random shit in it.

  • You do level by building, quite quickly as a matter of fact if you have the resources. Don't be afraid to build massive buildings or towers.

  • shadow type pals don't sleep. Meaning if you compare a Depresso and a Cattiva, a Depresso mines more.

  • I'm not entirely certain but I think pals choose their tasks from left to right (meaning they seem to kindle first, transport last)

Things to avoid

  • Cliffside construction. Their adamant stance on "no clipping in any instance at any time" means that it will never be flush against a cliff. Mountaintops? fantastic. Plains? awesome, but good lord any vertical surface sucks, maybe satisfactory spoiled me.
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