That's just gardening
Would anyone spare me an invite? This game looks amazing.
Unless I'm mistaken, the malware isn't on the CPU. The exploit is CPU, but the firmware is stored on the bios chip. Used motherboards are a potential for having malware on them, but then again they always have been a risk
I honestly didn't believe you until I saw the "Tax on corporate profits, couches"
Your title either got cut off or you didn't finish it. It ends with "it wor"
Plastic cups are not good protection for animals that use shells. These divers dont forcefully take the cup shell either. They'll happily give up their plastic cups for the new shells being offered as long as they like it. Then the plastic cup is thrown away.
There's a difference from scientists trying to make artificial reefs (which even then like the tire reef fiasco turned out to be a terrible idea) and random trash being picked up and used by the local wildlife.
Not if you play talon. Then it's a parkour
Damn it AMD. An email contract "isn't legally binding"? Glad to hear the Dev will redo the project from an older codebase though.
Back in the day I had a core 2 duo computer and upgrading to the core 2 quad made pcsx2 almost twice as fast. It was a really cool time for hardware. Very cool post.
I think I'm most interested in crisis core. I love ff7 and remember crisis core on the PSP. Good times. Good luck to everyone and thanks OP!
He only needs one spell slot where he's going