Could also be the switch Zelda games
Supply side Jesus. A classic.
Sequel has Nazi dinosaurs in the center of the earth*
How could you not point out Malcolm McDowell being his Malcom McDowell-ist in tank girl
That's like mentioning the 2000s Dungeons and Dragons movie and not mentioning Jeremy Irons
Or mentioning the 1993 Super Mario Bros movie and not bringing up the goombas
.... Which also fall in this category
I believe you'll find that it's Ebony and Ivory. .... Side by side in perfect harmony
That barrier to entry is no joke tho. I'm still trying to get myself to a point where I can confidently put my hat in the ring for infosec roles
It's already been done on farm vehicles, why not cars
If I don't have the tool, I soon do have the tool. My toolboxes are not well thought out but built from years of "this would be so much easier if I had X.... Screw it, I'm going to the hardware store"
The good news is that funding is finally being given for it so advancement will happen
The bargaining power of the masses assumes that said masses have a viable say in the process.
If your options are: buy power from the only company supplying it or not have power, is that really a choice?
Portuguese is what happens when a Spaniard speaks French while hungover