
joined 11 months ago
[–] Depress_Mode 1 points 1 week ago

Devious licks 😋

[–] Depress_Mode 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] Depress_Mode 3 points 1 week ago

Very interesting! From some quick research, it looks like the guy on the left is wearing a classic port helmet and the guy on the right has something like an Alesia or Agen port helmet variant.

[–] Depress_Mode 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

Are those Roman helmets I see? 😈

[–] Depress_Mode 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Workers are now paid 20+ bucks an hour for fast food

In California, maybe. Everywhere else wages aren't even near that much for fast food. Fast food establishments aren't even really part of the tipping discussion, which may be why California raised the minimum wage only for fast food workers. Having worked those jobs before, I can say that no one there expects a tip and likewise, tips are uncommon. Restaurant workers still have the same minimum wage as before, though. For fast food, don't worry about tipping. If you want to go to a sit-down place, though, don't go if you aren't prepared to tip. It's not like you can't figure out approximately what the tip would be before you go. Don't forget that federal law says food service workers only have to get paid $2.13 an hour of actual wages as long as tips can make up the difference to the national minimum wage of $7.25. It makes a lot of people unhappy when they have to tip, but that's how it is and they knew it before they went out to eat. If you don't like it, don't reward those businesses with your patronage in the first place. Not tipping only results in your wait staff getting stiffed, the boss doesn't care whether you tip or not.

[–] Depress_Mode 46 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Didn't Netanyahu say just the other day that there'd be no ceasefire until his war goals in Palestine had been achieved?

[–] Depress_Mode 7 points 1 month ago

Considering the jet suits we actually have can only hold enough fuel for a few minutes of flight time, I think I'd agree with the FBI that it's probably just a balloon or a drone made to look like a guy on a jetpack. I've seen drones made to look like Superman or a lawnmower, so it shouldn't be much harder to pull something like this off.

[–] Depress_Mode 33 points 1 month ago (4 children)

This meteorite was revered as a sacred object by the indigenous peoples who surrounded its original landing spot and rituals such as dipping arrowheads in the rain-filled cavities was common to help bring success in hunting or battle. Then some white guy showed up and and came into possession of it by simply buying the land it stood on, which then made the meteorite legally his to do what he wanted with, so he sold it to the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. For many years, the native groups that used to revere the meteorite fought in court to get it back to its original resting place. Eventually, they reached an agreement with the AMNH to formally sign over ownership if they ever decide to take it off display. They also host private after-hours visits each year for the local native peoples. Personally, though, I feel that the museum now simply has more motivation to never ever take it off display. I'd be surprised if it comes back any time in the next 100 years, unfortunately.

[–] Depress_Mode 9 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Aw man, it came and I missed it? I need more details. About what time? Where at? Facing which direction? I kept an eye out last night but didn't see anything before bed.

[–] Depress_Mode 64 points 1 month ago (7 children)

It sucks that they turned this into a story about how great mass surveillance is

[–] Depress_Mode 12 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

260 beds isn't anywhere near enough to shelter every homeless person on the streets, whether in Grants Pass or Portland, which aren't the same place, by the way. The mention of this is especially disgusting when you consider that 260 beds is clearly not nearly enough to solve a homelessness issue for a city and it only serves to falsely lay blame on the homeless. Even if you're staying in a shelter, you're still homeless; they aren't a solution in themselves. Shelters are generally poorly maintained, unhygienic, and unsafe. They're a good place to get all your shit stolen, too. Have you ever been to a homeless shelter? They aren't nice places to be, plus they have all sorts of ridiculous and overly-restrictive rules and policies that have to be followed. Given Portland's homeless population, 260 beds is a total drop in the bucket anyway, so treating that as an available solution that people aren't using is incredibly disingenuous because most of them are being used and there still aren't nearly enough to shelter everyone, even if they were actually worth staying in. Since you brought up Portland, I'll talk a bit about Portland, but don't forget that this story is about Grants Pass, where about a third of all residents pay more than half of their incomes on rent, making Grants Pass one of the most rent-burdened towns in Oregon.

KGW, like most MSMs, tends to have a slant against homeless people, loyally parroting whatever the police and mayor, Ted Wheeler, tell them without a lick of journalistic analysis. They love whining about the homeless at every opportunity they can, but I never see them report on those killed by hypothermia as a direct result of frequent and brutal police sweeps, or when the homeless are often outright murdered by class terrorists.

Instead of doing anything meaningful about the homelessness crisis, Portland invests all of its money into increasing the police budget and putting up anti-homeless architecture instead of tackling rampant rent inflation, or lack of access to mental health treatment, or developers only building luxury apartments, etc. They've experimented with some alternatives, such as little clusters of tiny, one-room shelters, but not in sufficient amounts to make any meaningful difference. Their policies don't actually reduce homelessness at all, it just squeezes those in a tough situation even harder and criminalizes the poorest among us.

You also left out the main fact of the matter that Grants Pass literally outlawed being homeless. Down on your luck and living on the streets? Congratulations, you're also a criminal now. That's outrageous. It is now illegal to be too poor. How this could be justifiable in anyone's mind is shocking to me.


Cyber woman with corn

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Depress_Mode to c/[email protected]

It appears that a user by the name of Kalcifer on is using several smurf accounts to force in a Gadsden flag (175, 175), the same carried by violent Proud Boy thug types, such as Alan Swinney, Enrique Tarrio, Tiny Toese, Joe Biggs, and many others, which I don't feel should be represented here, and it's clear that many agree because there were many who rejected the art and attempted to cover it, but it seems Kalcifer couldn't take that. I think it’s clear that he’ll just make more smurfs, so I’d suggest an IP ban from the canvas, but barring that, I think it would be funny if people tried to thwart his attempts to cheat his way in because it flies in the face of everyone who’s had to put in the time to do it right.

Probable alts include at least the following:





All were registered to within the last hour or two, which coincides with the return of Kalcifer after a short break, and all place in rapid succession of each other, displaying eyebrow-raising levels of coordination.

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