Ableism is the ugliest -ism
When i was 13 bill Clinton told me 1 car length per every 10mph i was traveling at. Ive been following that advice ever since
Yes. Scrooge mcduck is a world famous fictional gazillionaire. Im sure ive seen a video explaining leftist ideologies by taking a deep dive into the world of duck tales
But you were in the dark, camouflaged in your bedding. Anyone coming down the hall was a silhouette against the white walls of the hallway.
Do you believe there is a candidate for president who will end the genocide in Palestine? And also end the genocide of Ukrainians in Crimea?
More than half. But not all bigots are the same. Some are bashful aboutv their bigotry. Some are blind to their bigotry. Some are ashamed of their bigotry.
But trump and his followers are proud of their bigotry. Luckily they represent a minor percentage of Americans. Unfortunately they represent a large percentage of voting Americans
There's a 200 acre legal grow in central California right now. They had to pay for their licenses in cash because the state won't accept a credit card and the banks won't let them get a debit card. So they flew millions of dollars from LA to Sacramento on a private jet
Just yesterday i was trolling conservatives on tiktok with space lasers. I wonder if i found MTG's information source on accident
If every church in America housed 2.5 unhoused people the crisis would be solved overnight.
Who am i kidding though, American churches don't exist to help people they exist to ~~tax~~ tithe people
The youts turned on her when the allegations about how terrible she treated her dancers came out. Her tiktoks recieved tens of millions of likes before the allegations. Then she disappeared from the app