Which group is paid by Russia?
Meanwhile the yatchs of oil billionaires sit in the waters you can dive in. With trivial dive training and basic equipment (an underwater propulsion Device, and an underwater drill with a lock hole cutting bit attached), you could probably send some of them under.
There's a whole bunch of relatively harmless but quite symbolic targets out there if you're creative and inconspicuous enough.
They're already standing in it barefoot, and there are other signs of death about.
This lady ain't making it to no revolution.
Okay so
BlueSky = Twitter
Loops = TikTok
PixelFed = Instagram
Sup = What's App
Lemmy = Reddit
I never said it wasn't going to happen.
Also, I never said anything about carbon increase rates.
I said something about evolutionary adaptation, and we have seen that happen in much shorter time frames.
It does get stored once it's in the ocean, by things like underwater plants, plankton, and coral, and the scenario you've laid out is not going to happen within our lifetime. We've been increasing carbon emissions for 100 years or more and acidity has only decreased 0.1 ph (7 is neutral and it's gone from 8.11, to 8.05, so still basic)... Also some life forms don't have as much of a problem with slightly more acidity.
All in all it's slow enough that evolution will have some adaptive responses.
I think the heat will get us before the ocean gets too acidic. But I mean, it's all doomerism isn't it? Doomerism is a dime a dozen.
Eschatology is a popular trend. We just keep peeling that onion.
So animals evolve towards being crabs, operating systems evolve towards being linux distros?
Aminita Muscaria can be eaten. There was either a vice article, or video about it. I recall thin slices and frying them was part of the technique.
I imagine it's a stomach cramps and vomiting kind of high like poorly prepared peyote/mescaline.
Erowid should have articles/instructions for preparing Aminita Muscaria, just read some trip reports there. They often include basic steps.
P.S Make sure your mushrooms have ALL the anatomy and colours, and spore print colour of the variety you're looking for.