I can't find it on my PC anymore, but it's ringing to me that you needed to login with your Mi account.
edit: plus wait 72h(?)
I have their phone and you need to use their windows app to unlock it.
kinder egg easily no. 1
provided link shows 404, maybe it expired?
current ones I notice: dissapearing(temporary game restart recovers them) saves from load/save menu, player glitches (releasing ladder allows for brief 3rd person view), vehicles dissaperaing near player
what fi is that pipe? Looks like black pvc water pipe.
I expected fi 110 for sewers.
What we usualy do is write ~~what re~~(edit: how we) read e.g.:
transit -> tranzit
scale -> skala
band -> bend
buisness -> biznis
display -> displej
eins -> anjs
anlasser -> anlaser
ziegel -> cigla
ziehverschluss -> cifersluš
böbrek -> bubreg
yastık-> jastuk
reggipetto -> ređipet
scatola -> škatola
asciugamano -> šugaman
ambassade -> ambasada
clochard -> klošar
directeur -> direktor
balkan ones: serbian croatian, slovenian, ...
you read as you write, no bogus letters(and sounds)
I unlocked my POCO f4 pro less than year ago on Windows 10 Pro and Ryzen 5 5600X without a hich.
Yakuza 0, first time playing yakuza games an it'sfirst game of 2025