
joined 2 years ago
[–] Crul 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (3 children)

I didn't mean that I expect the same user to be posting all day. If different users send 1 post each, they still should have a lot of time for other things :)

[–] Crul 3 points 2 years ago

That's our only advantage over the big sites :)

[–] Crul 3 points 2 years ago

the scale across this photo is 1km?

That's also what I understand. But I haven't looked too much into the technical details. I know the colors in the pictures are sometimes 100% fake... on purpose to ilustrate some specific aspect of the picture.

[–] Crul 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

Agree, Momo is GREAT! I resonate a lot with both books.

The fantasy parts of the NES sometimes feel like allegory but mostly feel like folly.

Note that (if I'm not mistaken), NES is mostly an adaptation of Nietzsche's ideas:

  • Will to power = "Do what you wish" written in Auryn
  • Eternal recurrence = many "infinite loops" hidden over the book

Many parts of the book make more sense once I was aware of those references (which was not so long ago).

[–] Crul 2 points 2 years ago

That may be a good idea. The 3 communities I found relevant to crosspost this are:

[–] Crul 5 points 2 years ago (2 children)
[–] Crul 8 points 2 years ago (4 children)

I have read that it was influenced by German capitalization rules; all nouns are capitalized in German. But I never checked if that's true.

[–] Crul 2 points 2 years ago

If I understand correctly (50/50 chance given my knowledge :P), that's what I got from the comment thread in the other post. But please correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks for the suggestion!

[–] Crul 3 points 2 years ago (5 children)

Indeed, that's one of the most promising ones... and it still only has 2 or 3 posts a day :/.

[–] Crul 3 points 2 years ago
[–] Crul 6 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

In case you are using an app or mlmym (like in that screenshot is form the default frontend in the web.

Also, unlike reddit, crossposting does not link to the original post, it duplicates its content, so if you edit the original post, the crossposts are not updated with the changes.


Resumen y conclusiones:


La Cumbre y el Concepto Estratégico de Madrid de 2022 marcaron un hito transformacional en la evolución de la OTAN debido a la guerra en Ucrania y al enconamiento de la competición estratégica con China y Rusia. Sin la concurrencia de esos factores no habría sido posible reunir tanto consenso entre los aliados a la hora de actualizar el Concepto Estratégico, apoyar a Ucrania, ampliar la organización a Finlandia y Suecia, incrementar las inversiones en defensa, actualizar la postura militar y reforzar el despliegue en el flanco oriental o abordar el desafío planteado por el auge estratégico de China, entre muchas otras decisiones trascendentes.

Este ARI analiza los progresos registrados para implementar esas decisiones en las cumbres de Madrid y Vilna, y los objetivos pendientes o nuevos que se reservan para la Cumbre del 75 Aniversario en Washington.


La Cumbre de Vilna ha sido más importante por la constatación de que la OTAN sigue el camino de transformación iniciado en la Cumbre de Madrid, que por las decisiones adoptadas a pesar de ser muchas y de mucho peso como se han expuesto en el análisis. La implementación de las decisiones aliadas es mucho más importante que su adopción, pero las cumbres brillan más por las decisiones que adoptan que por las que implementan.

Lo importante de esta cumbre era asegurar la respuesta aliada a las amenazas de Rusia y, en menor medida, el terrorismo en las tres zonas geográficas y los cinco dominios operativos afectados por la guerra en Ucrania y el revisionismo ruso.

A ese esfuerzo en los flancos norte y este seguirá el que se está planificando para presentarlo en la Cumbre de Washington sobre el flanco sur, un nuevo escenario geográfico para que la OTAN prevenga la desestabilización que tanto Rusia como el terrorismo yihadista fomentan en la región.

Cerrado el debate interno sobre el ingreso de Suecia y Ucrania, la Cumbre de Washington dedicará más tiempo a la ampliación y profundización de los partenariados con la UE, Asia-Pacífico y otros si China no responde positivamente a los llamamientos de Vilna y Madrid para evitar el enconamiento de la competición geopolítica en curso.


Resumen de

Un nuevo estudio de la NASA ha encontrado que la mesosfera, la capa de la atmósfera entre 50 y 80 km de altitud, se está enfriando y contrayendo debido al calentamiento global. Analizando datos de tres satélites meteorológicos durante 30 años, los científicos descubrieron que la mesosfera sobre los polos se ha enfriado entre 2,3 y 2,8 °C y ha perdido entre 170 y 220 metros de grosor por década. Esto se debe a que el aumento de gases de efecto invernadero como el CO2 atrapa más calor en las capas bajas de la atmósfera, evitando que llegue a la mesosfera. Al haber menos calor, la mesosfera se enfría y se contrae, ya que el aire frío ocupa menos volumen. Este efecto contrario al calentamiento global en la mesosfera había sido predicho teóricamente, pero este es el primer estudio que lo demuestra empiricamente a partir de observaciones satelitales durante tres décadas.'s summary:

Facebook content moderators in Germany recently held a works council election and elected a majority of members affiliated with the German labor union ver.di, including a previously targeted employee. This is a major victory against Facebook's union-busting and sends a message that moderators can't be punished for speaking out. It provides a mandate for the new council to improve working conditions. The summits and manifesto organized by advocacy groups have helped remove the veil of silence around tech workers' rights. This victory shows Big Tech's unchecked power is diminishing as workers gain more control.


Danny Hillis outlines an intriguing theory of how and why technological change seems to be accelerating, by linking it to the very evolution of life itself. The presentation techniques he uses may look dated, but the ideas are as relevant as ever.

I suggest watching Tom Scott's video after this one:

I find very interesting how (almost) 30 years later we are still struggling with these issues.

rule (
submitted 2 years ago by Crul to c/196

Exposición memoria del futuro: los teatros antiguos griegos y romanos.

Memory of the future exhibition: ancient Greek and Roman theaters.

Source: Elektra Archivo Digital Artes Escénicas de Andalucía | Gestión de Campo

Via Europeana: Exposición memoria del futuro: los teatros antiguos griegos y romanos..

The source doesn't have a date, but I digged a bit more and it seems this was at Expo'92 (source)

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Crul to c/comicstrips

Source: (with more pictures) Nintendo Gameboy Retro (by Eric Truong - ArtStation):

Could this have been the very first Nintendo Gameboy? This concept came about from from studying Nintendo's history and my desire to create something retro.
Made in Blender.
Personal folio site:

I distorted a bit the image on the left to (try to) match the perspective. This is the original one.

Posted originally on r/cassettefuturism


Source: Flabellinopsis iodinea | Monterey, California | Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist) | Flickr

Via: iNaturalist: Spanish Shawl (Nudibranchs and Other Sea Slugs of California)

Wikipedia: Flabellinopsis iodinea

Flabellinopsis iodinea, the Spanish shawl, is a species of aeolid nudibranch, a very colorful sea slug. This is a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Flabellinidae.

This species is native to the west coast of North America and farther south. It has been reported as far north as British Columbia, Canada, and as far south as Punta Asunción, Baja California Sur, Mexico. In addition it is found in the Gulf of California and the Galapagos Islands.

It has been found off the coast of Santa Catalina Island, California. It has also been found off the coast of the Palos Verdes Peninsula and San Diego, California .


Source: EL TALLER pino | @eltallerpino Instagram

In my mind this is what a cassette player from the futre would look like…if we have cassettes in the future. #nasa #thefuture…

Via Buttons & Knobs — formlab: EL TALLER pino ...


Source (video): Googly-Eyed Stubby Squid - 2016 | Nautilus Live (Remastered!) - YouTube

This moment comes from 2016 offshore of Los Angeles investigating the Southern California Margin. This (now famous) stubby squid was spotted by ROV Hercules at a depth of 900 meters (2,950 feet). Related to the cuttlefish, this species spends life on the seafloor, activating a sticky mucus jacket and burrowing into the sediment to camouflage, leaving their eyes poking out to spot prey like shrimp and small fish.

More info:

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