Buy 10 spatulas and get one FREE!!
I imagine being in tact would feel better because it'd be protected like it's supposed to. I haven't had any issues with the underwear, but I did recently find underwear down at the Walmart that has a separate compartment specifically for your junk. It's an absolute game changer. No more awkward ball pulling!
I was just messing with you, I am bored!
Hey, I like my weiner!
I do wish I had that cheese pocket though...
If I'm not mistaken, the FGM they're referring to is cutting off their clitoris.
To compare to circumcision would mean just trimming the clitoral hood exposing the clitoris, not cutting it off.
I'm circumcised, they didn't cut the entire tip off, I can still use the lil guy. Also, like the other dude said, women tend to be relieved to find out you're circumcised.
I see where you're coming from, but I just don't think comparing the two is very equal.
Thank you, I appreciate that
What's the first song that plays in the car?
I am not in a position to Shazam it.
He had a couple hot wheels out on the counter and I asked about them, so he was excited to share his hobby with me.
My friend says I act like this.
I read a book called "how to win friends and influence people" and it completely changed my life for the better once I started taking the book literally.
Everybody tends to be selfish and think of themselves (not in a bad way). If you play into this and learn what people are interested in, you instantly become interesting to that person.
"Hey Ricky, how's your hot wheels collection! Get any new classics?" True story, different name. That's just the butcher at the grocery store I frequent. He'll tell me all about his latest hot wheels collection, and then I get a discount, we both win. I've made a friend, and influenced him to give me a deal.
Oh I absolutely would ask for consent. I'm in a college town, so it got easy for me to read people. Some people want silence and I could feel it, and I had a kill switch for the sub just in case.
I did lyft pre-covid and I loved it when people would sit up front.
I had a 12" sub and I'd let people sync their Bluetooth or request music and bump through town. I made so many temporary friends!
Good times...
These must be very comforting words for this fella!
What if you just went on foot with 5 gallon containers, didn't do it frequently, and never went to the same gas station a second time?