It's loss isn't it....
I ran a stop sign today.
In my company vehicle.
Internal Combustion Engine.
I made a friend in Garry's Mod back in like, 2006.
We still keep in touch! I have never seen the guy, but we basically grew up together.
I wouldn't even think twice.
I still have this fear!
My local Safeway has a big air grate right where they keep sausage/bacon etc... I literally can't buy those items because I'm too scared to get close to the grate, I'll drive across town to a different store to avoid it
I dunno, I just pass by that school often, it just seems like a peaceful place. If it were IN Oroville, it wouldn't have been as surprising, we always avoid Oroville
What's crazy is that this is a REALLY small school... It's like, a couple class rooms and a playground out in the middle of nowhere.
One of my buddies has a Stream deck button for it. Absolutely drives everyone bonkers
We did it guys!
I'll never forget my first time driving in Southern California.
I was doing 85mph in a 70mph zone and a prius flew past me.