Damn, that's even better!
There is a possibility!
What makes this even better is that apparently Mark Zuckerberg / Mets owns trademark for the X logo.
You know what that means! Millionaire monkey money fight!
$0 per hour, 24 hours, 7 days a week 😏
I only knew about this via that website which got the news from twitter. I hope this gains huge enough traction for Ubisoft to change the policy from the backlash.
Although tbh, I am not expecting much, considering Ubisoft is trying to be the next EA these days.
That's the scummy thing, because Ubisoft is trying to blur the lines between owning a license and renting one.
Fucking scumbags.
That would be awesome if we have seamless passthrough, let alone making a GPU be sharable across two or more VMs accessible to mainstream.
For now though its only available for enterprises, type 1 hypervisor and only for a limited set of hardware iirc.
The only thing I find Firefox inferior over Chrome is Webgl support. Specifically browser-based games.
Although they are playable on Firefox, they play much more smoother on Webkit and it's sister, Chromium.
Like let us say you get 90fps on Webkit or Chromium, in Firefox you get around 50-60fps. That kind of difference which to gamers, may find off putting.
Well what do you expect when all of a sudden they started making their own browser over contributing to Firefox.
The entire reason why Chrome was created was for Google to push the web forward at their own pace. Away from the previous iteration that heavily relied on browser helper objects (plugins).
Here we are though, Google having a huge influence over the spec. Mainly because the competition weeded out to only Firefox remaining.
Sure, Edge might be considered competition for Google, but at the end of the day, Edge, Opera (unfortunately), Vivaldi, Brave, and similar browsers are essentially Chrome reskins.
PS: I am considering Edge as a competition for Google as Microsoft is well known for being EEE (Extend, embrace, extinguish). But more importantly, they have the man power to maintain their own fork if things do get out of hand.
Just this week or was it last week, I made a comment on some post that putting privacy aside, we should still be encouraging people to use Firefox instead of any chromium browsers to break control. It is good to see that right now I am just given a very good example why Chromium being a monopoly allows Google to control the spec (even if other companies are on board)
This PR nails it
At the moment, I just use Connect on my phone and Wefwef/Voyager on Desktop (I access it via Firefox Sidebar)
I mean sure why not! lmao