Part 6. Trump blames everything on Biden Part 7. Trump also blames Obama
SLR got busy IRL, well most are standalones.
There are some games in the series that has some sort of connection like X and VII through Shinra or Tactics and XII sharing the same world.
There are direct sequels though like X and X-2 or the XIII trilogy but they are not the norm
So many nice recommendations here but here are some of my recommendations in genres (in top 5 form). All of them have PC ports (but not all of the series may be available on PC)
- Rayman
- Sonic
- Wonder boy
- Shantae
- Trine
- Final Fantasy
- Tales of Series
- Star Ocean
- Elder Scrolls
- Pathfinder
Some noteworthy mentions for RPGs
- YS
- Mana
- Medal of Honor
- Shadow Warrior
- Doom
- Call of Duty
- Wolfenstein
Puzzles, point and click: Note: This was very hard to list since most of them are standalone and those that are not have interesting plot lines that you will not appreciate unless you play in order such as Syberia, Gabriel Knight, Secret Files. Walking Dead)
- Myst (You can play in any order but it would be nice to play the sequels or prequels)
- Broken Sword (Don't touch 4 and 5 but you can play in any order and it would be nice to play the sequels or prequels)
- Life is Strange (1 and 2 are standalone stories)
- of Loathing series (It has turned based combat but very fun)
- Nancy Drew
I would say I prefer them in the chronological order of their release date. Some of the series I have listed completely have either loosely, small references or completely standalone only sharing a "franchise name"
Linux always had software that has anti-cheat. First one I can think off that is both a native Linux application and has anti-cheat is Tibia. Aside from that are Valve games. I am sure there are plenty of others too aside from those that opened up through Proton/Wine.
What we don't have is kernel level anti-cheat and honestly I would rather stay away from games that deploy it than allow such software running in my computer.
I don't think your friend installing VirtualBox is too much. Just help him install VirtualBox and then give him a copy of the Windows 98 virtual machine you have already setup.
Welp, might as well just use w3m 🤣
This is good news since Vivaldi is my goto chromium browser (when I need to really use it)
This is hilarious! It even works on Edge, Vivaldi and even Brave 🤣. Good thing I use Firefox in almost everything or general day to day use
Risk of Rain 2 and Robo Quest are probably up your ally because you like Ultra kill
But if you want to diversify genre, here are some that I would recommend
- Card Games - Slay the Spire (Its like a card game and rogue like combined)
- Rogue Like - Hades is currently one of the top tiers in rogue like dungeon crawler
- RPG - Baldurs Gate 3, even if you end up finishing the game, how you ended up finishing it is what makes it so replayable. Each character has their own stories for you to uncover. Larian's other gem is Divinity Original Sin 2 too
- Sandbox Games - Minecraft of Terraria
- Arcade - Most arcade games are highly replayable because thats their whole selling point. Currently I am back to playing Temptest 4000
- Hack n Slash - Grimdawn, nuff said
Yeah Shotgun king is nice and is also very moddable too
Why stop there? If I where reddit and we go with these kinds of decisions, I'd propose the use of LLMs to ban anything that consititutes negative statement including disagreements.