
joined 10 months ago
[–] CodexArcanum 1 points 25 minutes ago

Oh yeah, my b, thanks for the correction

[–] CodexArcanum 18 points 6 hours ago

Hey if it's good enough for From software...


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A callback to the PS3 early days.

[–] CodexArcanum 3 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

Oh for the names?

Ogre Tactics is the first one, a series of earlier tactical games (started on the snes maybe?)

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun is the other. It's actually more like the Commandos games, a kind of overhead team stealth sim.

And I was just joking but if you're on a tictac roll please, by all means, help yourself!

[–] CodexArcanum 4 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Lol, I love this gimmick! Next up, enormous Ogre Tictacs? Perhaps Shadow Tictacs: Mints of the Shogun?

[–] CodexArcanum 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It was full of fresh ideas when it first came out, like a minty cool breeze

[–] CodexArcanum 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

This one was already up there on the surreality meter, and I love how much taking the cat out amplifies that most of the time. It's great how it makes less and less sense the longer you think about, anti-fridge logic. What's better about "it" than a caddie? Do they only have one club? Do you even need a caddie if you only have 1 club? How is fish swinging the club? Wait is the bowl swinging it, does the fish pilot it? Is the fish psychic, is the bowl psychic? Wait, the golfers though, is this their only thought on the matter? Is it calling them bro or is it merely "bro"ing generally, or is it like a pokemon and that's all they say? 🤯

[–] CodexArcanum 2 points 1 day ago

If you revisit the clinic frequently, Iosevka has a noticeable personality shift at one point. She gets replaced by a Choir member impersonating her, who is running bizarre experiments. When you get into the back of the clinic, that's what you find.

Tap for spoilerIn addition to the real Iosevka being turned into a kindred, the imposter will also transform any civilians you direct to her. This can be useful with the guy in the woods who is actually a beast in disguise and will kill everyone in the church if you send him there. Sending him to the clinic is easier than fighting him too.

[–] CodexArcanum 1 points 1 day ago

Amused that kenopsia describes what the Zeds call feeling liminal because of "liminal spaces / backrooms" memes.

[–] CodexArcanum 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Definitely germanic. Google translate roughly figures it as "farmer wall sadness" which, I recognized sadness but not sure how the rest of that fits in. Something like a sadness that causes you to grow walls I guess.

Anyway, I've heard of a couple of these, and I know that all words are made up, but these sound especially invented.

[–] CodexArcanum 52 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (8 children)

Someone shared this on Mastodon so I'll just repost my thoughts from there. (Bonus for Lemmy, I was forced to squeeze all my thoughts into 500 characters, so this is the most succinct I've been on this site!)

Pretty incredible how little people seem to understand these. For one thing, every method other than waterfall is a subtype of agile methodology. The major distinction is that waterfall has a series of phases from design through building, testing, and delivery that attempts to plan the whole project up front. Agile methods focus on smaller iteration cycles with frequent, partial deliverables.

Something like kanban is designed for continuous delivery: we want to go to mars weekly.

LEAN development is a scam though, that one is accurate.

[–] CodexArcanum 0 points 1 day ago

Even the hyperreal numbers *R, which include infinitesimals, define 1 == .999...

[–] CodexArcanum 1 points 1 day ago

I dunno, maybe trying to revive your multi-player shooter franchise into one of the most monopolized, overexposed genres in gaming history is kind of a high-risk move with little potential for returns. Kind of like trying to make a WoW clone while WoW was at its peak, which dozens of companies did and then all went out of business.

Damn, it's almost like making a game that requires a million active players at all times, when you have no name presence or existing player base to draw upon, is kind of a stupid terrible business decision.

I'm no business or gaming genius, but I feel like I would have done something a little safer and more sustainable. Maybe use your Starseige IP to make a single-player focused mecha game? Haven't had one of those in a while. The last one was... Armored Core 6? One of the best selling and most critically well received games of last year. Yeah, who'd want to tap into that market with a brand new mecha game to ride on the still hungering appetites of AC6 players?

No no,, Better stick to making another fortnight clone, that certainly hasn't burned anyone (including themselves!!!) before.


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Ashes: Hard Reset OST by John S. Weekley

I saw over the weekend that the soundtrack had been released ahead of the upcoming (!) prequel (‼️) to the amazing series of Doom mods. The Ashes series rules, play them if you haven't. The soundtracks also rule and I had the Afterglow OST in heavy rotation all last year.

This one is pretty good. Very heavy with callbacks to the previous OSTs and to the original Doom's music. "Romero Waiting for the Train" is particularly fun for it's mix-in of my favorite OG track. I can't wait to wander more post-apocalyptic subways to this groovy tune!


cross-posted from:

Ashes: Hard Reset OST by John S. Weekley

I saw over the weekend that the soundtrack had been released ahead of the upcoming (!) prequel (‼️) to the amazing series of Doom mods. The Ashes series rules, play them if you haven't. The soundtracks also rule and I had the Afterglow OST in heavy rotation all last year.

This one is pretty good. Very heavy with callbacks to the previous OSTs and to the original Doom's music. "Romero Waiting for the Train" is particularly fun for it's mix-in of my favorite OG track. I can't wait to wander more post-apocalyptic subways to this groovy tune!


I saw over the weekend that the soundtrack had been released ahead of the upcoming (!) prequel (‼️) to the amazing series of Doom mods. The Ashes series rules, play them if you haven't. The soundtracks also rule and I had the Afterglow OST in heavy rotation all last year.

This one is pretty good. Very heavy with callbacks to the previous OSTs and to the original Doom's music. "Romero Waiting for the Train" is particularly fun for it's mix-in of my favorite OG track. I can't wait to wander more post-apocalyptic subways to this groovy tune!

Dad (
submitted 3 months ago by CodexArcanum to c/youdontsurf

Back around 2007 or 2008 I think, I watched a very cool animation on Youtube. I cannot for the life of me remember the name, and i doubt it's still up since it used a well-known song as the audio track.

It was a pretty standard (for the time) anime-style fight video, set to The Prodigy's "Smack my Bitch Up". It's cel-shaded CGI/3D, and starred a yellow-and-black Sentai-style character. I think he was like a robot superhero? The whole animation was basically a demoreel/pilot for an animator who wanted to launch a show based on the characters.

If anyone remembers this or can find a link, I'd be very grateful! It was a cool fight scene (for the time), and it always bothers me when I vaguely remember a neat thing and can find no trace of it.


Seriously! Thanks to all the meme makers out there for supporting Lemmy/Kbin/etc and keeping the alternatives to the corporate internet alive and fun!


When her theme kicks in at about 30s is around in the cutscene when I knew trusting her was going to be trouble. Something haunting and dangerous about it, almost circus-like in a way.

Layers of KETR (

This old meme format popped into my head, but honestly I was lost on what the best punchline would be.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by CodexArcanum to c/[email protected]

I totally missed that #RPGaDay2003 was a thing until like the 26th! So, inspired by James, I'm going to play catch up for this year all at once, and next August I'll try to get in on the daily game!

First RPG played this year:

Nobilis. Ran a hacked together "3.9 Edition" using Glitch and Chuubo's rules. Worked pretty well, but has already fallen apart due to adult scheduling.

First RPG Gamemaster:

Me! No intro, I dove in using the books and first principles! Then my best friend got in on it and ran a different game for our group! Good times!

First RPG bought this year:

Delta Green, I think.

Most recent game bought:

Also Delta Green, I believe, the Impossible Landscapes scenario book.

Oldest Game Played:

Brown pamphlet D&D, about as old as you can get unless I recreate the legendary Braunstein or Blackmoor games.

Favourite game you never get to play:

All of them, but FATE and Unknown Armies specifically. Goddamn, I'd love to run so many UA games!

Smartest RPG you've played:

I think they can all vary, depends on the group, the session, etc. Nobilis is easily the most consistently cerebral game I get into though.

Favourite Character:

I really enjoyed my Lord of Doomscrolling emo-kid Strategist from that recent Nobilis game. Hard to play favs though, I love them all in their times.

Favourite Dice:

FATE dice! I have a cool fire-and-ice set that I enjoy rolling quite a bit!

Favourite tie-in fiction:

I liked Dan Abnett's Inquisitor books (Warhammer 40K) more than I expected. Been meaning to reread them, see how they hold up.

Weirdest game you've played:

Human Occupied Landfill (HOL); or that homebrew Gamma World Gurps session that went some places. Both ages ago.

Oldest Game you still play:

I'd throw down one of the Basic clones I have (S&W, ACKS) in a heart beat for some old school dungeon stomping, but honestly anything I want to run seems to be old now: FATE, UA, Reign. I guess those all have good new editions though!

Most memorable character demise:

I don't recall any funny or heartfelt ones offhand. Character death has never featured heavily for me, and games where it is common you tend to have a chuckle at the 1st level fighter being melted by a slime trap WHILE the the mage accidentally fireballs them, then you roll up a new target dummy and forget about the last one.

Favourite Convention Purchase:

I hardly get to gaming conventions any more. Uhh... I got an awesome signed copy of Loony Labs' Pyramid Arcade at PAX South one year. That's an underappreciated collection of great games and it was tons of fun meeting and playing games with the owners!

Favourite Con Module/One Shot:

Meh, I never get into these. I do own several neat little games that are clearly convention one-off games, but I couldn't pick a fav of them.

Game I wish I owned:

Well, I DO own Nobilis 2nd (the GWB) which would be it if I didn't. I wish I had original books for a lot of classic games: Paranoia, various D&D, the first Vampire maybe, RIFTS, that kind of stuff.

Funniest Game you've played?

I had a good laugh at the Knights of the Dinner Table game, which is a pretty good farce of early D&D. My Nobilis games do tend to be pretty funny too.

Favourite game system?

FATE. I think Aspects are just the best idea ever. They work well with almost any other system, yet can also be the only mechanic if you want. Truly genius.

Favourite published adventure?

No idea, hardly ever us them. Impossible Landscapes does intrigue the shit out of me, as do megadungeons like Rappan Athuk that I've got sitting here. There's something amusing and thoughtful to me about a long,

spoilerand in the end impossible to win
, scenario that makes me want to explore them with a group.

Will still play in 20 years time?

FATE for sure! I'm a big fan of the One Roll Engine and I'm sure I'll still be breaking that out too!

Favourite licensed RPG?

Weapons of the Gods counts, I guess? Eventually turned into uh... Legends of the Wulin? Not sure what's going on with EOS Sama these days, or those properties. I don't get it licensed stuff much.

Best Secondhand RPG Purchase?

Ooh, a D&D Set 1 Basic Rules (red box) in very good condition that I just found at a thrift store one day!

Coolest Looking RPG product/book?

Uh, I'm just going to brag about owning the absolutely gorgeous Nobilis 2nd edition again! I also have a lot of very cool props and accessories for running D&D that I'm like never going to get to use!

Complex / Simple RPG you play?

For simple it's FATE. Like I said, you could literally have aspects and nothing else and have a very effective system.

For complexity it's Burning Wheel. Just, all of the fucking Burning engine books. I don't understand how Crane and co had time to write these things, let alone play them!

Unplayed RPG You Own?

Far too many of them, sadly. Going to say Delta Green and Unknown Armies are the ones I most want to play right now.

Favourite Character Sheet?

I always design my own and I love them! My Nobilis sheets have been great, but my favorite is for a long abandoned RPG of my own design. It was way too complex and unfun to play, but that character sheet was gorgeous!

Game I'd like a new edition of?

I'm pretty good, haha, got new editions I haven't even gotten to yet! I do wish Weapons of the Gods / Legends of the Wulin had a better publisher and about a dozen more source books by Jenna Morran!

Scariest game I've ever played?

Tremulus, ran a pretty fun and spooky one-off with it for Halloween. But the scariest to come is the DG scenario I've been wanting to run. Got some good, spooky ideas for that one!

Most memorable encounter?

I once talked a kill team of Dragonblood assasins into joining our righteous cause in an Exalted game. That was pretty amazing, and really annoyed the DM since he hadn't planned for them having much personality, since he also hadn't planned on my pacifistic charming character being literally irresistible!

Most obscure RPG that you've played?

My own homebrews, surely. HOL, as mentioned, and a few other weird RPGs from that era like Feng Shui.

Favourite RPG of all time?

The most successful campaign I've run was with Diaspora, which is basically Traveller run with FATE. I really loved that game, and would run another session any time. Greg Stolze's Reign is way up there too.

I think Unknown Armies is my favorite to just read and think about.

Compare your answers with those from the first #RPGaDay.

First time posting! I'll look forward to looking back next year though!

Thanks for reading and happy gaming!

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