This has all happened before and will probably happen again. The German Nazis were also opposed to vaccines.
Sieht man auch gut an Trump. Der könnte inzwischen mit Hitlerbärtchen die Hand hochstrecken und die Wahl wäre trotzdem denkbar knapp. Man muss sich leider mit dem Gedanken anfreunden, dass ein nicht kleiner Teil der westlichen Welt Faschisten an der Macht sehen will.
I just upgraded Alan Wake 2 to play the expansions, which are AWEsome. I played all expansions for Alan Wake and Control as well and enjoyed them a lot. Remedy is one of the few developers that I would play a game from on day one or even preorder. Bethesda, not so much. I can still remember being unable to play Skyrim for months on PS3.
To be fair, LOST was much more Cuse & Lindelof then Abrams, he was barely involved after season 1. Now, Alias is another story...
Fair enough.
Well, it was also a fantasy. Marston was into BDSM femdom (he wrote erotic novels before WW) and was in a polycule with two women.
I call bullshit on that one. Santa is red and white because Coca Cola drabbed him in their colors for a marketing campaign and it catched on. Before that Santa was usually portrayed in white and green.
Of course, only no vaccines for the rabble. They themselves would still enjoy all the newest medical treatments.
He couldn't be more mask-off if he was sieg-heiling across the stage with a funny mustache.
Anyone who doesn't see him for what he is is willfully ignorant at this point.
Laughing them straight in the fucking face is much better though.Then punch. But they have to be demasked as the weird pathetic small people they are first and foremost.
And let's not forget that nothing was made better by fascism for nobody but the richest people. It's always been this way.
Cool, now I know how to call my spaceship in the next space game I'm gonna play.