
joined 1 year ago
[–] Cikos 10 points 3 days ago

starlink officially comes to my country a few month back. Since then almost all of the local isp stock has dropped and now they are giving mass discount and increased bandwidth.

[–] Cikos 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

being the first does not guarantee success, people were saying that unless tesla fix their QC problem, legacy carmakers will overtake them. guess they're not fast enough or even care.

[–] Cikos 3 points 1 week ago

i have singaporean fiends and when they told me about the first thing that they were taught in the mandatory military service is that singapore is surrounded by big country and will fall fast. they even memeing on how they were defeated by japanese riding a bicycle. so they are paranoid about their integrity and security and rightly so.

[–] Cikos 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

does it corelate with how you consume music? i'd guess swearing becomes more common when you can wear earphones and not blasting it to the whole house from your living room gramophone

[–] Cikos 13 points 1 week ago

somewhere out there, there is an organism that is immune to radiation and this is their flashy ball toy. bet they have a sport about it too

[–] Cikos 28 points 1 week ago (3 children)

even earth feels like an alien planet millions of years ago, imagine if advanced space faring civilization do probe earth and categorized it to be inhospitable before, during and after their civilization crumbled to dust.

[–] Cikos 5 points 1 week ago

i read on another article that basically says that the ukraine still using the same tactic to avoid detection (flying low) thus limiting the range of f16 missiles. and they still lacking the means to counter russia glide bombs. it seems they really need to reach air supremacy to effectively use f16 to its fullest potential.

[–] Cikos 9 points 1 week ago (3 children)

i once read a theory that says (i havent checked the validity of this claim) the time required for dna mutates and evolves to the current complexity on earth predates earth by a long shot so it assumes that at one point after the big bang everywhere on the universe is basically a habitable zone and life can be practically found anywhere. assuming some of the building blocks keep on arriving on optimal condition later on.

[–] Cikos 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

eu can export its excess energy to each other. wasnt this is the case even before green energy? why its written in such bad way.

if other comments are any indication, the gov should lower electricity cost to increase demand

[–] Cikos 37 points 1 week ago (3 children)

4 max party size was a mistake

[–] Cikos 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

i assume its an estimation on how much they can liquidate 50b assets. its an insane amount of money, my neighbor is selling their house and its still up years later.

[–] Cikos 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

im not a gardener or have any experience in gardening. but can you just use steel wire vertically and nylon horizontally so when the time to trim them down you just cut (i assume you use some kind of power tool) vertically along the steel wire?


one thing i miss the most about my switch is the joy con. i love being able to game while my arm is pretty much free.

i was thrilled when valve announced joy con support but when i tried it on my pc and my deck the connection is spotty and the input lag is really bad, i tried with multiple joy cons but it still the same, do you guys have the same experience or is there something i have to do with it first.


Paris lookin dreamy (
submitted 1 year ago by Cikos to c/cat
submitted 1 year ago by Cikos to c/cat
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